What are you working on this week (2020-11-30 - 2020-12-06)?
I so appreciate these weekly threads!
I'm putting together my last paper for the semester (on creativity at work) and planning to catch up on reading (also on creativity at work). I haven't fed my ZK in over a week and look forward to diving back in to its conversations!
I'm also going to be doing a bit of a deeper dive into Appreciative Inquiry and have a book that I've been saving to prime myself for that upcoming 28-day journey. Such fun!
Also currently binging episodes of Steven Universe during my down time, so looking forward to continuing that adventure.
How about you? What do you have planned for this week?
Sending mighty mojo out to us all for our end-of-semester pushes and other pursuits,
Howdy, Stranger!
Thanks, @jeannelking, for starting this thread. You've piqued my interest with your reference to Appreciative Inquiry and some mysterious and fun 28-day journey.
Me, I'm taking solstice in that consistency beats intensity and curiosity beats smart. I'm working through my #inbox of ideas (21 notes at the moment). I do feel blessed to have a cornucopia of good ideas to develop. My focus can be deciphered by looking at the #inbox, and it reveals the ideas I'm currently sussing are solitude, Dzogchen, Jeykll, and writing.
The pandemic semester is winding down with only 2 more assignments left, and I'm getting excited about the Seminar in Regional Northwest Literature class coming up.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Just starting a couple of busy weeks on engineering review board work, so won't get much extra reading done. I do hope to make progress on a few new zettels, though. Sometimes it's easier to get things done when you are busy.
Oh, yay!
I just submitted my final assignment for the semester, with the exception of my thesis prospectus due in about a week (though early drafts got promising feedback). I'm also finishing up a book I'm reviewing for a publisher and will be posting that. Thirdly, I'm teaching a seminar Thursday evening and I'll be culling from my ZK and poetry resources for that and creating the packet of seminar texts in LaTeX.
An update to The Archive is stuck for a couple days longer for technical reasons I truly despise, but I'm looking forward to hear feedback on this later this week.
Oh, since it's December 1st, I had a look at my output of the past month. Especially in the last 2 weeks I've been processing tons of new information about a lot of things, and I'm pleased to see that I managed to add 101 new notes in November. That's pretty meaningless on its own, but it's a huge relative increase to what I usually achieve in my Zettelkasten, so that's nice!
My total word count increased by 14k words, too, but that's a vanity metric in my case since I also store code snippets in there and comment and explain them. Which doesn't mean that I didn't had to type all these characters, it's just not the same as writing prose.
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
@ctietze, you inspired me to look at my stats to see if I can fish out any trends. Unfortunately, I can't see anything of value in these statistics. Most of it seems just a vanity thing. It does show me I still have an invested interest in this practice.
The drop in the number of notes this month is because as part of my secret project, I moved a group of 60 notes into their own instance of The Archive.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
21 out of 30!
It becomes easier on the one hand and more and more difficult on the other