Zettelkasten Forum

Massimo's Writing Streak

edited January 2021 in Your Current Projects
Post edited by Sascha on


  • I am doing something crazy: writing 30 short atomic essays in 30 days.
    And I have chosen to tell 30 lessons I've learned by writing 500,000 words in one year.
    Stressful, exciting, inspiring, fun.
    I am learning a lot.
    I am now at 10 of 30.

    This is where it all began:

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    I am doing something crazy: writing 30 short atomic essays in 30 days.
    And I have chosen to tell 30 lessons I've learned by writing 500,000 words in one year.
    Stressful, exciting, inspiring, fun.
    I am learning a lot.
    I am now at 10 of 30.

    This is where it all began:

    This is so excited! I also set a goal to write 31 short atomic notes in 31 days.

    I am now at 0 of 31.

  • @learning_ran said:

    This is so excited! I also set a goal to write 31 short atomic notes in 31 days.

    I am now at 0 of 31.

    Cool! Are you going to publish them?

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:

    @learning_ran said:

    This is so excited! I also set a goal to write 31 short atomic notes in 31 days.

    I am now at 0 of 31.

    Cool! Are you going to publish them?

    Many of notes in my Zettelkästen are "published" in some places on the
    Internet. I do not have a central website for publishing. For me, the
    most interesting thing about Zettelkästen is the interaction.
    Interaction with my previous thoughts and perhaps other people. I do
    want to share some statistics about this challenge at the end of this
    journey. I do not have any aggressive attitude towards you. I just
    want to make my life a little more challenging and interesting.

  • edited November 2020

    @learning_ran said:
    I do not have any aggressive attitude towards you. I just
    want to make my life a little more challenging and interesting.

    You say that you do not have any aggressive attitude towards me, why should you? Did I say anything wrong?

    You say you want to make your life a little more challenging and interesting: how is this related to you not having any aggressive attitude towards me?


  • @Massimo_Curatella said:

    @learning_ran said:
    I do not have any aggressive attitude towards you. I just
    want to make my life a little more challenging and interesting.

    You say that you do not have any aggressive attitude towards me, why should you? Did I say anything wrong?

    You say you want to make your life a little more challenging and interesting: how is this related to you not having any aggressive attitude towards me?


    Sorry for not being clear. I just to want to make a friendly
    competition with you because I see the inspiration from your post.

    why I do this?

    Competition can inspire someone to perform at the level s/he can not
    to perform if leaving alone. I have some measurements on some of the
    sports I've involved. In cycling, the measurements of power is
    objective. I often use the power meter to measure how well I perform.
    At the same time, I also have another apparatus to measure my
    heart rate. It's less objective compared to the power meter but it can
    provide some perspectives on my subjective feeling.

    What I found is that whenever I am participating in some sort of
    competitions, my heart rate is way much higher than the my usual
    state. The astonishing point is that my subjective feeling is much
    relaxed, which implies that my body can suffer more. I've found this
    several time across my life and I also heard from friends sharing the
    similar experience.I believe that this is encoded in human's DNA.
    Whenever people comes together to chase the non-trivial goal,
    individual can have a better performance.

    In addition, I found that once I set a reasonable goal, I can be
    extremely focus, whatever I do will be enjoyable.

    But there is one things need to be extremely clear. It is that the
    competition is enjoyable only when it is design to improve ones skill.

    Day 1 log

    Today is the first day of this challenge. I recently just finished
    a book, so I have a lot of ideas to generate from my notes on the
    book margins. This makes the first day of this challenge a little
    bit easy for me.

  • Very exciting! I will try to catch up and follow your journey :) Greets from Germany

  • Writing reduces your jargon and slang (Shipping Atom 12 of 30)


    Practice writing and recording your thoughts to talk better and to write in a cleaner and more understandable way. Capisc'?

  • Day 2

    I've done the book review, so it will be much more challenging tomorrow.

  • Walking generates ideas (Shipping Atom 13 of 30)
    The more you walk, the more you have ideas.

  • Thanks for posting the idea about walking.

    I agree the fact that plasticity of human brain. Even as human aging,
    there is new neuron generated. The evidence that every human has the
    potential to learn new things supports my idea.

    I do not understand to what extent new neuron can be generated. I think
    that as people aging, we learn new things but at the same time, we
    forget things. This is the evidence that there might be a limitation

    What I what to know more about this growing neuron theory is what we
    lose when we gain?

    When I look far back to my early ages, I can still remember certain
    things. And if there is some conditions in front of me, I might be
    able to think details about my past experience. It seems, to me, that
    human brain is not deleting things but instead compressing some old
    memory. Every time when we generate new ideas, the old memory is
    compressed in a smart way.

  • Memories are constantly retold in our brain and, unfortunately, they are never the same, that is why repetition and memorization help to keep them solid. The use-it-or-lose-it tendency is true as well so new neurons are generated (if you're healthy and fit) but the organic network of all of them is continuously adapting to your experience, your health, and your memories changing. That's why writing, recording, and walking, help.

  • Writing is like drinking coffee (Shipping Atom 14 of 30)
    Overcoming the initial friction of starting leads to habits: drinking coffee and writing daily. Choose wisely.

  • I can vouch for the use of walking to improve communication between two people, especially when discussing challenging or stressful topics. There are a lot of reasons for this which I won't get into here. My wife and I often used that technique when discussing challenges with behaviour and attitudes of our teenage children (all 5 of them). My oldest daughter told me that she always knew how challenging we found a particular family problem by how long we were gone from the house sorting through them. We usually didn't return until we'd had a "meeting of the minds" on what had happened, what we thought of it, what response we wanted to communicate to our kids and what action we wanted to take. The practice has now gone down a generation and we walk with our kids to talk about the challenges they have being parents.

    Of course, that's not the only reasons for taking walks :smiley:

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    The practice has now gone down a generation and we walk with our kids to talk about the challenges they have being parents.

    Thanks @GeoEng51 ! I'm a beginner, then, and looking to go to the next level: Collective Walking intelligence. Beautiful contribution.

  • Creativity makes you happy (Shipping Atom 15 of 30)
    Imagining new and better futures, visualizing conceptual connections, and writing them, you will be happier.

    I am particularly satisfied by this atom. What do you think?

  • What about making a Zettelkasten (Connected Notes) of your Atomic notes?
    How shall we call this: atoms into molecules? Into organisms?
    (Shipping Franken-Notes 1 of Infinite)

  • @amunicapunica said:
    Very exciting! I will try to catch up and follow your journey :) Greets from Germany

    Thanks! Looking forward to reading your atoms?

  • @Massimo_Curatella, this tread and its play in the fabric of time is an inspiration. Thank you.

    "Quicksand" is an apt metaphor.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will said:
    @Massimo_Curatella, this tread and its play in the fabric of time is an inspiration. Thank you.

    "Quicksand" is an apt metaphor.

    You are really welcome. I am throwing stones with the hope of making waves.

  • Be smart, let it go (Shipping Atom 16 of 30)
    Write and share your ideas now. Reflect on the waves they have made. It’s the only way to be smarter.

  • Writing is a process (Shipping Atom 17 of 30)
    Writing is never just writing. Refine your word production workflows to support your habit-making approach or you will just be a hamster on a wheel.

  • Automate repetitive tasks (Shipping Atom 18 of 30)
    Don’t waste your time on tasks that software can do for you, automate repetitive tasks, and gain time to write (or to sleep if you want).

    How do you automate your writing process?

  • Publish text as digital text, not images (Shipping Atom 19 of 30)
    Be a responsible Internet Citizen: publish content as digital text to make it usable and accessible.

  • This is dedicated to you all

    Why asking questions? (Shipping Atom 20 of 30)
    Why asking questions? What is the most potent exploration and adventure tool in the world if not to ask a question?

  • Facilitate growth by tracking habits (Shipping Atom 21 of 30)
    If you don’t measure it, you cannot learn from it. Measure your behaviors to steer towards your positive, incremental, compounded growth.

    Hey, 21 out of 30. I am missing just 9. Will I ever make it? I have drafts but I have to develop them. I start to feel a bit pressured and writing something meaningful every day is not easy.

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:

    Hey, 21 out of 30. I am missing just 9. Will I ever make it? I have drafts but I have to develop them. I start to feel a bit pressured and writing something meaningful every day is not easy.

    You are doing well! I like the one for today, in particular.

  • @GeoEng51 said:

    You are doing well! I like the one for today, in particular.

    Thanks! Appreciated.

  • Type more, type faster, type better (Shipping Atom 22 of 30)
    Writing is also physical performance, when typing, train yourself to use all fingers without looking
    at the keyboard.

    Do you type using all of your fingers?

  • @Massimo_Curatella said:
    Do you type using all of your fingers?

    Absolutely. It all started with that grade 7 typing class full of young ladies + me. If I hadn't been so shy, it would have been heavenly :blush:

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