Zettelkasten Forum

Another Hello, or rather, Ciao!

Hi All,
I am a PhD first year student in English Literature from Italy and editorial/literary translator from English and French into Italian (that's what I'd love to do as part of my career, I am just starting out). I have always been interested in notetaking and trying to learn more on learning, I have used Buzan mindmaps in the past, but they don't work for everything. The key thing about starting a research is exactly the fact that you have to be able to read and understand the notes you took years before and be able to expand on all that you read over time. That's why when I found out about the zettelkasten, I was amazed! I said oh wow that's it, I need this and really gotta make this work. I can't bear to think about all the stuff I've read in the past and it's like "where did my thoughts go"? Now I have a fresh start, so that's where all the insecurity comes from.
I really look forward in learning more on this forum!

Happy thinking.


  • @Adilel said:
    ... I was amazed! I said oh wow that's it, I need this and really gotta make this work. I can't bear to think about all the stuff I've read in the past and it's like "where did my thoughts go"? Now I have a fresh start, so that's where all the insecurity comes from.

    Welcome to the forums. Your excitement is infectious. I too lament all the reading I've done where I didn't take notes. But life is short and death approaches fast and without warning. The busyness of starting fresh and diving into the warm waters of note-taking will leave little time or cognitive cycles for consideration of any insecurities.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Adilel said:
    Hi All,
    I am a PhD first year student in English Literature from Italy and editorial/literary translator from English and French into Italian (that's what I'd love to do as part of my career, I am just starting out). I have always been interested in notetaking and trying to learn more on learning, I have used Buzan mindmaps in the past, but they don't work for everything......
    I really look forward in learning more on this forum!

    Hello and welcome to the forum! I find it fascinating how people from so many fields of study with so many different interests end up in the Zettelkasten world. It truly is a way of capturing ideas that work for (almost) everyone. One of the reasons is that it is so easy to customize. You will see that as you read posts from different forum members.

  • Thank you for the welcome! @Will , I agree. That's why I wanted to dive in head first into this. :)

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