Zettelkasten Forum

Modularity and file transclusion

Hi all,

Thank you for helpful software and discussions.

I need advice on making it easier to work with file transclusions in the Archive.

Background: To me a crucial strength of Zettel is similar to the modularity of LEGO:

  • individual Zettel (self-contained) — which can be
  • connected in chains, trails, longer arguments etc.

File transclusion — I find — is a great help to use this modularity:

  • indivdual notecards can be assembled by making lists
  • an notecards with lists of other notecards can by
  • Marked2 be displayed (transclude) as continuous text,
  • which can be used both to produce a continuous notes on a book, on a common theme, an outline of an argument or a draft of a paper or chapter.

A possible way to do 'file transclusion' is the formatting /filename.txt

Problem: While [[filename]] is a good tool to assemble lists with clickable links, it does not have the advantage of facilitating file transclusion.

I find myself making sometimes lists of notes using [[filname]], sometimes /filname.txt, sometimes both and sometimes reformating a list from one format to the other.

Question: Can I have both advantages at the same time, i.e. links in the Archive and file transclusion in Marked2?

Possible solutions:

  • a context menu (when clicking) that makes a 'search the archive' — such that there is an easier way to search for the id of a notecard (say 'click and search' 202008260959)
  • Or can transclusion formatting be tweaked, such that it in the Archive (or some other, equivalent software) can function as a link (similar to [[filename]])?

All the best,


  • What do you want to use the transclusion for? I wrote a script or two to assemble a transcluded outline from a list of links. (Here's a super old version; the new one isn't on the blog, yet.)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • MultiMarkdown offers a syntax for file transclusion which is also supported by Marked2.

    For apps supporting MultiMarkdown, this may be a good option going forward. A {{link to another note}} could be formatted as a clickable link (similar to [[link to another note]]) while still instructing the MultiMarkdown processor to include the note's contents in the rendered output.

  • @Frankel said:
    Possible solutions:

    • a context menu (when clicking) that makes a 'search the archive' — such that there is an easier way to search for the id of a notecard (say 'click and search' 202008260959)

    I don't misunderstand your request. To get The Archive to search for UID all one has to do is format the UID like [[202008260959]]. I add this under the title of all my zettel. This has the added benefit of populating the note list with all the "backlinks".

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Be aware that @Will uses a chevron character at the top to, if I remember correctly, distinguish that occurence from regular links. Otherwise, when you want to do a mass-renaming in your Zettelkasten based on links from [[202008281028]] to something else, you'd replace the original ID as well.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Thank you for your feedback (and sorry for my late response — was busy elsewhere).

    ctietze ask: "What do you want to use the transclusion for?" The script you offer addresses the same issue, but I aim for another way of handling file transclusions.

    File transclusions allow us

    • in the Archive to make lists of notes and
    • in Marked 2 to view the list of notes with the full text of the transcluded notes.

    In this way, I can work at

    • atomic notecards' and
    • -see how they work when stiched together (without running a script).

    This way of working I find very helpful, as it allows, step by step, to work on individual notecards and assemble a manuscript and see the flow of argument that is build.

    Transclusions already work very well and can be made, as Will point out, using {{link to another note}}. Another way (implemented by iA Writer — and then also by Marked 2) is the format /link to another note.txt

    My issue is that I find lists of transclusions somewhat awkward to work with in the Archive. One cannot easily jump to other notes as when using the [[some other note]] format. In sum, lists of notes can go into

    • either an 'the Archive workflow' with handy links by means of the [[some other note]] formatting
    • or an 'Marked 2 workflow' with immediate display of a the full text of transcluded notes.

    But why this choice?

    msteffens summarizes nicely what I aim for: "For apps supporting MultiMarkdown, this may be a good option going forward. A {{link to another note}} could be formatted as a clickable link (similar to [[link to another note]]) while still instructing the MultiMarkdown processor to include the note's contents in the rendered output."

    This would be very helpful.

    Thanks again.

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