Hello and howdy!
I've been here for a while but I've never properly introduced myself -- I guess now is the time
My name is Henrik and I am currently a Ph.D. student doing signal processing for nonlinear fiber optics at the Technical University of Denmark. As an engineering student I didn't really take notes apart from flashcards and for exam prep. When I started my Ph.D. I realized my shortcomings in this regard and stumbled into multiple dead ends (for me,) before discovering Zettelkasten at the beginning of this year. I use it primarily for research/work purposes -- I'm boring like that
Secondly, I've also discovered this forum and I really want to show my appreciation for the community here. It is hard to put adjectives on it because the interactions feel so distinctively personal and genuine -- perhaps those are the adjectives I should use
Edit: Oh, and I should probably add that I am one of those crazy people who don't use a numerical ID for my notes. Deal with it
Howdy, Stranger!
Belated welcome on board!
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
@henrikenggaard Yes - welcome to the forum. I've enjoyed reading your questions and comments! And you are fortunate to have encountered Zettelkasten at such an "early" stage in your education. I'm a retired geological engineer, still learning of course, and a newbie to ZK, like yourself.