Zettelkasten Forum

Question on using macOS text replacement


Hopefully not too naïve a question -- is there a way to make standard macOS text replacement work in The Archive? I have a lot of shortcuts I'd like to use that are kept in sync via iCloud, but I can't seem to get them to work when I try to use them in The Archive.


  • @dhmspector Turn on Text Replacements found in Subsitutions under the Edit Menu. Should work.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thought of that, It's already enabled...

  • @dhmspector said:
    Thought of that, It's already enabled...

    I had the same question. Double-check that setting an restart the app. Worked for me.

  • @dhmspector said:
    Thought of that, It's already enabled...

    Not working for me either. I'm on v. 1.5.5 of TA.

  • @GeoEng51 said:
    Not working for me either. I'm on v. 1.5.5 of TA.

    Works for me. I'm on v. 1.5.5 of TA. All I did was tick "Text Replacement" and maybe a restart or reboot, I don't remember.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Yeah, looks like it took a reboot to fix it. Thanks again for the suggestion!

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