Saint Augustine instructs Francesco Petrarch on the ZKM
Critique my zettel. This one is an atomized idea from my reading of _Manguel, Alberto. A history of reading. 2014. _ It is longish at 436 words and includes AI help with translation, a Wikipedia link, the relevant quote, and my assimilation into my ZK. With your help, it can be improved. The content of this note might be… -
[Zettel Feedback] Meta zettelkasting note review "The Power of the ZK Method"
This may be too fluffy for some "rational" types, but I loved working with this idea. It is a note about making notes. I'm primarily interested in formatting suggestions and questions. I'm up for arguing any of the details of the content. I'm trying to make less and less of these #meta-ZK notes. This is one of two #meta-ZK… -
Sample Note Discussion
--- UUID: ›[[202112071618]] cdate: 12-07-2021 04:18 PM tags: #note-taking #zettelkasting --- Memory Maintenance Considering notes as proxies for memories, as the size and matrix of the archive grows, more time is spent maintaining existing notes. New notes should be created with abandon. Integrating them into the archive… -
Zettel Crafting Checklist v.3
Version 3 edits in bold/italic. --- UUID: ›[[202110110727]] cdate: 10-11-2021 07:27 AM tags: #zettelkasting #checklist --- Zettel Crafting Checklist v.3 If surgeons and airline pilots can benefit from checklists, they probably will help me. 1 It is essential to keep any formal checklist flexible and straightforward. If… -
Re: Some questions I have are keeping me from committing to my Zettelkasten
There are no guarantees in life. Just start and make adjustments as you learn more. This is not necessary with modern file systems and apps. Using a time stamp will help future proof your notes. Use markdown links when referencing an external file or website. Yes, you should use tags. The way tags are searched for is… -
Re: Some questions I have are keeping me from committing to my Zettelkasten
This community is awesome. Thank you everyone for every comment regarding my questions. My post will be long > @andang76 said: As a clarification, I have an Obsidian Vault, and inside I have a folder with my Zettelkasten. In my Obsidian Vault, I have Daily Notes and other notes not related to my Zettelkasten. I like… -
Re: Special Symbols ('§' or '!') in Zettel File Names: How Do You Use Them?
@dylanjr, I don't use those particular symbols. I use letters, as I find them easier to type and remember. I keep a note titled "Zettelkasten Legend 201812071155," and here are its contents. There is no convention. I do this because it gives me information about the note's contents when I look at the note list. They act… -
Re: The Heist – How to Process a Practical Book Quickly • Zettelkasten Method
Thank you. I took this as a critique of my reading skills and took some actionable items from this text. I intend to be helpful in sharing my zettel as I process the actionable items from this text. This is a first draft. Comments, questions, suggestions, and even snide remarks are welcome. --- UUID: ›[[202408280450]]… -
Re: How do you process historical sources with a Zettelkasten?
It is not a question of either/or but both. A ZK contains a spectrum of ideas and links. A spectrum of idea associations that call for links. From purely independent ideas to developing others' ideas to ideas that others have had about ideas. Some notes are cataclysmic and struggle to contain the burst of your ideas, and… -
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
You pulled off a thorough discussion of your example by displaying an example. Not the easiest thing to do, but as you told us what you were doing, you did precisely that. Anyone commenting on your zettel format would only be picking around the edges. I'm referring to that "futzing, second-guessing, backtracking, and…