[Zettelfeedback] Life is a Tickertape
I'm a zettelkasten noob. This morning while in bed pondering zettelkasten and just ruminating in general the idea for this zettel popped into my brain. So I grabbed my phone and made a fleeting note "Life is a tickertape". Later I came and composed this zettel. While I've been trying to begin my zk with notes from sources… -
Re: The under-stressed importance of a regular review practice.
Re: The under-stressed importance of a regular review practice.
Sönke Ahrens said a few things in his book that struck home as worth imitating, replicating, worth stealing, but his focus on dividing notes into arbitrary categories wasn't one of them. I use some tagging when I have a note I want to group with other notes covering a similar topic. I use tags to group notes by topic, not… -
Re: For fiction: pseudoscience and biographical details
@djdrysdale Hi! As to your first point, I would simply create a tag that identifies the zettel as containing questionable ideas, or ideas that I don't espouse or believe myself. For instance, you might use a tag such as "#questionable_ideas". Or you could use tags that label the source, such as "#pseudoscience" or… -
Re: [Zettelfeedback] Life is a Tickertape
@Will I'm using Obsidian, but I copied the raw markup it generates directly in order to post my comment here. Within Obsidian, [[mind map]] links directly to another zettel called "mind map". It's not a search but a direct zettel to zettel link, same for [[time]], [[brain]], and [[gestalt]]. In this case [[time]] in… -
Re: Help; suggest a word for a tag in notes that contain questions sent via email
Re: [Zettelfeedback] Life is a Tickertape
Like @Iacillo said: "I loved your philosophy and the way you wrote your zettel." And YES! some zettel are the result of active reading, and some are gifts from the universe. I love metaphors. Ticker tape is not one I've heard used before. In this context, it works. Your follow-up to the lead, in paragraph two with… -
Re: Zettlr vs Obsidian in long term
I agree with @Sascha and @ZettelDistraction : Zettlr has solid arguments for supporting this software. However, if you are like me, Zettlr can be frustrating in it own way to use. I never could make it work for me. Whatever CSS tweaks I put in it, inconsistant behavior about its css sheets makes me growl, even roar from… -
Re: How do you handle research "to dos"?
I also use questions. These can be tagged #question (as some people do) or in my case I use an emoji in the question. To use @henrikenggaard's example it would look like this in my notes: I've fiddled with having it at the front of the question also just to call it out visually when I read a note. Also since it is an emoji… -
Re: The Wizard’s mistake
OK, I give it a tryAs I write in french, I'll post the french original post to check the traduction I join with it. Hum… I don't use tag at all, only for statut of my note. I think the main article and the explicite title are enough to guess what it is about. [[4.0.]] -> Ideas of story, [[4.1.]] -> ideas about this…