Idea for a script to make structured link lists easier to browse
* Open a Zettel, e.g. a structure note (or any other list of links) * Run the script (missing in the workflow!) to extract all links, i.e. all the IDs * Convert the list of IDs into a search expression to produce a list of all (aka any) of the linked notes: OR them together * Search for this combined search term Why is… -
Very basic question
I've just installed The Archive and have been looking around the forum to get my bearings. I notice that some people use a heading like the following: Title: Approaches to a Typewriter text component ID: 201707081109 Tags: #nstextview ##outline #typewriter-mode I assume there's a command for generating the template, but… -
Emerging overview with structure notes
Hey, I want to share the gist of a few recent happy moments of Zettelkasten note-taking with you and find out what you do in your work to achieve a similar effect -- or if all of this is totally new to you. Against all odds, I did manage to write a Zettel note or two during 2017. I did not process all (any) of the… -
Re: What does a coder's ZK look like?
At first glance, I read one of the sentences as "as long as I'm conforming to the spirits in the ZK" -- and I liked that. A co-worker almost a decade ago called a Zettelkasten a daimon that you feed. A genie in a bottle, a research humunculus, the ghost in the rock we call "computer processors."This idea of feeding a…