Field Report #8: How I Process a Chapter of a Book • Zettelkasten Method
Catpuccin Mocha Theme
Hi there, today I spent some time trying to recreate a catpuccin theme for the archive. I have used it and everything seems fine but please let me know if you see inconsistent things or colors that hurt your eyes. The theme is meant to be used as a dark style. To avoid posting a file and making you download it I'm instead… -
Vocabulary notebooks, Criminally Insane Asylum Patients, Zettelkasten, & Thesaurus Linguae Latinae
tl;dr: Examples of several older topical-based (non-Luhmann-artig) group zettelkasten practices and their output along with suggestions of how these examples can be used to introduce younger students to the practice. A Sixth Grade Vocabulary Notebook The sixth grade language arts class at the school in Altadena, CA, which… -
The Archive v1.5.7 (Beta)
Read the post:* Fixed: Icon selection for Saved Searches on macOS 10.11 El Capitan didn’t display the built-in icons. * Fixed: Sidebar widths (and visibility settings) are remember next time you start the app. * Fixed: The Quick Entry Helper doesn’t error-out when you try… -
Re: ID for notes; time-stamp ID is useless.
Re: ID for notes; time-stamp ID is useless.
You're in luck. Edit your color for the links in your theme in the entry. This will affect all links and tags. I'd worry about converting to "even white" as if they were complexly hidden you would seemingly be sent off to a random link by clicking in what appears to be white space: "link": { "color": "#8f9bb8"}, Sadly,… -
Am I putting too much in my notes?
Hi, I am Wanderley and that is my first time here in the forum. I failed to implement Zettelkasten few times, until I read How to Take Smart Notes from Ahrens. Things clicked in mind and (at least) I feel comfortable with my notes. I wrote 4 notes and I would like some feedback in my last one. My questions are: (1) Am I… -
Re: Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. February 9, 2024
Re: [BUG] Can't style blockquote syntax
Hi Christian, sorry for being vague. As you can see above, I can style the syntax for lists (i.e. change the color of the -) without changing the style of the text. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work with blockquotes. Here's my theme code: "blockquote": { "syntax": { "color": "#8C8D8C" } }, "list": { "syntax": {… -
Re: Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. February 9, 2024
For those of us who are playing along with this thread, here are my comparisons. I'm surprised by how smooth the curve is with equal-width bins. @ZettelDistraction and I have a peak in the 51-100 bin. I didn't think I had so many zettel in this range. With the hybrid approach we can see the distribution of the smaller…