Some questions I have are keeping me from committing to my Zettelkasten
Hi, this is my first post, and I want to thank everyone who can help me reduce my resistance and avoid failure. Starting a Zettelkasten digitally and future-proof is not something easy to do. In my case, I want to create some guides and rules to guarantee some success (or headaches in the future). And there is some of the… -
Bracket Tags
Following @sfast 's advice on object tags, I've increasingly transitioned to using zettels as claims which connect two or more tag objects, and away from using zettels to refer to objects themselves. For instance, a zettel might express the following: Here, I'm using tags for objects, while the zettel itself embodies a… -
Introducing my new android app for zettelkasten : Zettel Notes
Link : Hey guys. I created zettel notes after i couldn't find any app for zettelkasten on android. As of now zettel notes supports: * Full Markdown * Note Linking * Multiple repositories with default text and date format for each * Extract note from… -
On Roam Research
Hello everyone! This post got pretty long-winded. This probably won't surprise those of you where were around last summer when I was a lot more active. The TL;DR is that this is essentially an article describing an implementation of zettelkasten that I've been experimenting with in Roam Research. I discuss some of the… -
When do you use #tags, and when do you use [[wikis]]?
Hi there! When I started to build my Zettelkasten I decided to use the [[wiki]] format for everything including "keywords" and links to other notes, because I'm not a big fan of compounded words written in the tag format (e.g., #tidydata, #contentanalysis), for me sometimes it's hard to read, and I just don't like so much… -
Re: Some questions I have are keeping me from committing to my Zettelkasten
Share your folders and note "types" -- here are mine
As many of you know I am new to Zettelkasten. I'm curious how the interplay between sparing use of folders and "types" (a finite small set of tags on the form) -- for example, when taking notes on a book I consider this a buffer note (I use the haskell type syntax ::buffer ) and place it in my /fleeting notes folder.… -
Re: Some questions I have are keeping me from committing to my Zettelkasten
There are no guarantees in life. Just start and make adjustments as you learn more. This is not necessary with modern file systems and apps. Using a time stamp will help future proof your notes. Use markdown links when referencing an external file or website. Yes, you should use tags. The way tags are searched for is… -
Re: why do we have different syntax for bibliography and links?
Re: A Tale of Complexity – Structural Layers in Note Taking