Bracket Tags
Following @sfast 's advice on object tags, I've increasingly transitioned to using zettels as claims which connect two or more tag objects, and away from using zettels to refer to objects themselves. For instance, a zettel might express the following: Here, I'm using tags for objects, while the zettel itself embodies a… -
Introducing my new android app for zettelkasten : Zettel Notes
Link : Hey guys. I created zettel notes after i couldn't find any app for zettelkasten on android. As of now zettel notes supports: * Full Markdown * Note Linking * Multiple repositories with default text and date format for each * Extract note from… -
On Roam Research
Hello everyone! This post got pretty long-winded. This probably won't surprise those of you where were around last summer when I was a lot more active. The TL;DR is that this is essentially an article describing an implementation of zettelkasten that I've been experimenting with in Roam Research. I discuss some of the… -
Re: why do we have different syntax for bibliography and links?
Re: Analog Zettlekasten parts and function
Fully analog would be 4 things. -Reference cards, one for each book, sorted by author last name -Keyword index, start with one card per letter, sorted alphabetically -literature cards, on which you take your sparse book notes, list of keywords and page number -main cards, i.e. your main atomic notes * #tags are worthless… -
Re: A Tale of Complexity – Structural Layers in Note Taking
Re: [First Zettel] The reading of a text must be accompanied by notes and writing
Share your folders and note "types" -- here are mine
As many of you know I am new to Zettelkasten. I'm curious how the interplay between sparing use of folders and "types" (a finite small set of tags on the form) -- for example, when taking notes on a book I consider this a buffer note (I use the haskell type syntax ::buffer ) and place it in my /fleeting notes folder.… -
Re: Numbering Systems
Great points! I really like the idea of minimizing categories. In fact in my personal/non work zk, I have a section LOG which is logic and philosophy. There will probably be lots of other categories in there that won't actually get detailed out. I probably have five categories but some of the information could belong on… -
Drafts Version 20 Provides Support for Links
Version 20 of Drafts for macOS and iOS was released today. This version provides support for links. Drafts is a powerhouse application, and is now additionally a very capable alternative for a digital ZK. I've learned a great deal from use of The Archive, but after several days with working with the beta version of Drafts…