[Zettel Feedback]: Building a Better Memory with Progressive Learning Techniques
202212020858 Building a robust memory through progressive learning techniques. learning #memory It is not clear how to operationalize memory [[202211150901]] and thus how exactly to best use how memory works. Clearly, there are good and bad methods of learning. For an exam, merely repeating the material is inferior to… -
[Zettel Feedback]: Operationalization problem of memory
* This is a recent note that is connected to one of the core problems in the domain of ZK/PKM: How to transfer value creation from one domain (e.g. ones privat ZK) to another (e.g. a blogpost, your daily habits etc.) * This note is focussed on stating the problem. * Feel free to comment, improve on the note -- both on the… -
Re: [Zettel Feedback]: Operationalization problem of memory
Thanks for the feedback. I edited the note like this: 202211150901 Operationalization problem of memory #operationalization #memory #cramming Memory is what you measure. But the problem is that it's hard to measure what the real purpose of memory is: a tool to solve problems. Example 1: When you test memory with a simple… -
Re: GPT4 Zettel Critique Assistant (Robo Zettel Feedback)
Here is an example from my Zettelkasten, illustrating the use of the Zettel Critique Assistant GPT. I'll show a revised Zettel after critique and the GPT's comment on the revision. I could follow up with more revisions of the Zettel, but this is good enough for now--notes aren't essays. Here is the revision. --- title:…