[Zettelfeedback] Life is a Tickertape
I'm a zettelkasten noob. This morning while in bed pondering zettelkasten and just ruminating in general the idea for this zettel popped into my brain. So I grabbed my phone and made a fleeting note "Life is a tickertape". Later I came and composed this zettel. While I've been trying to begin my zk with notes from sources… -
Re: [Zettelfeedback] Life is a Tickertape
@Will I'm using Obsidian, but I copied the raw markup it generates directly in order to post my comment here. Within Obsidian, [[mind map]] links directly to another zettel called "mind map". It's not a search but a direct zettel to zettel link, same for [[time]], [[brain]], and [[gestalt]]. In this case [[time]] in…