Hello hello!
My name is Oleg and I'm a writer and librarian in Los Angeles. I've been interested in intellectual tools for many years, in fact I did an independent study project on hypertext systems of the late 1980s back when I was in graduate school in 2008 (link: hypertext.wikidot.com/). I've organized my information in a variety of ways since then and about a month ago I started using the Zettlr app with the Zettelkasten method.
I write all sorts of things both under my own name (more on that at my website) and (usually) anonymously as a hired gun for companies and non-profit organizations, though the majority of my writing aside from poetry has been around libraries and books. I'm currently working on a book chapter on a framework of community empowerment for immigrants in public libraries.
Happy to be in this forum, and looking forward to learning!
Howdy, Stranger!
Welcome to the forum, @olegk! In my mind, a librarian's perspective is something precious, because since childhood I was under the impression that a librarian knows so many things
Looking forward to hear more from your journey and experience!
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Thank you, @ctietze! You're probably right about other librarians, but me? I know almost nothing!
Welcome @olegk. Libraries are my favorite places, and librarians are my favorite people.
I'm fascinated with writing about libraries. In 2019 I read Susan Orlean's The Library Book and was completely absorbed. Being a librarian in Los Angeles, you must be completely familiar with the book and the story.
How libraries empower immigrants is a powerful and much-needed topic to write about.
I look forward to your librarian perspective on personal knowledge management.
Don't be so modest.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I just read the The Library Book earlier this year and you are correct, I'd written (and gave a Toastmasters speech) about the Library Fire in the past, interned at the Central Library (and worked for LAPL as a Page (they call them Messenger Clerks in the city) for eight years before that), and am acquainted with many of the people Orlean interviewed. Of course, I loved the book; Orlean did an outstanding job of melding the fire, library past, and library present storylines. The Library Book isn't just about an interesting topic, it's also a clinic on the craft of writing excellent narrative non-fiction!
You'll find a bunch of writers posting here from time to time. I, myself, am an aspiring writer studying creative non-fiction at the Univerisity of Idaho. My focus so far has been on essay length material. My note archive is a treasure trove of writing ideas. Mostly notes on the craft of writing.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@Will I'm very much looking forward to following how you and the other writers here use your zettlekasten. And, of course, the results of your work.
@olegk Welcome to the forum! From my vast experience (sample size of one, a niece), librarians are very interesting people.
Thank you! From my end, I can tell you that aside from a general proclivity towards books, cats, and cardigans, librarians are fascinated by all sorts of things. The variety is one of my favorite things about my colleagues.