What are you working on this week? (2020-06-29 to 2020-07-06)
Hi everybody -- I hope everyone is doing good
Are you working on something interesting this week? Reading some nice books? Maybe just making last-minute plans for the summer?
This is my last week before the summer vacation, so I expect/plan to tie up a lot of loose ends. The last few weeks has seen a gradual decline in the number of new notes, which is probably a good indication that I need the break
Howdy, Stranger!
I'm still working on the same projects as the previous weeks
. Think I'm feeling a certain amount of burnout so my productivity just tanked drastically last week. Hopefully this week will be better.
I'm also suffering from program distraction. Maker of Neuron released his zettelkasten publication tool and I've been setting that up. But I'm also being pulled by my private zettelkasten, gitbooks experimental zettelkasten and forum test zettelkasten. Part of me wants to continue working on those but I feel like I shouldn't be fragmenting my notes. The one positive about the multiple projects is it really helps me with understanding note naming and linking conventions a lot better.
Oops, I accidentally wrote my newest status update in the old thread.
EDIT: @ctietze maybe the old threads should be closed?
Last week finished "onboarding" (to use corporate lingo), the eminent philosopher Mary Oliver's seminal work called Upstream. Yesterday finished the literature note associated with the book Miniatures of a Zen Master by Robert Aitken. This week is fresh and I'm reading a self-help/writing guide by Arthur Plotnik called The Elements of Expression.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I have finished developing the different python scripts I've been working for the past several works including adding the all important README to the repo's. Now that is done, I've really just been focused on making some inroads into my reading backlog (and thus updating my Zettelkasten) as well as adding new posts to my Tech notebook blog.
Apart from that, as Singapore has lifted restrictions to some extent, my wife and I took the opportunity to get out and visit a nearby nature reserve to enjoy some nice views and then have brunch at a small cafe. The simple pleasures!
This week I am:
I don't know about working, but I can tell you what I'm dreaming about. I think in the end stages of sleeping last night, I was dreaming about trying to qualify for the first flight to a new space station. I was on some sort of team and we were thinking about all the tasks we needed to complete and on which we needed top marks to qualify. And what kept coming up on my personal list? Accelerate work on your Zettelkasten! It was the looming elephant on my list. Talk about drivers embedded deep in the subconscious.
Am whipping up a few more fixes for a stable release of the next minor iteration of The Archive. Meanwhile, progress on the editor is being made. -- Nearly all of my writing this week happens in snippets where I record solutions to programming problems and organize them in lists, so nothing special on that front. As they say: Little by little, the bird builds its nest -- but as with most German sayings, our version is about more tedium but with squirrels
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Wonderful. @ctietze you made me smile with this little aside. I'm capturing this into my writing snippets. I'll be sure and cite you for the "tedium" part.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Reflecting on my PKM and writing workflow.
On Twitter:
@ThreadReaderApp unroll
but seriously, here's everything at once: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1279360549701238785.html?refreshed=yes
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
oh! thanks!
You really gave me the push I was needing to convert it into a blog post:
How I am evolving my Personal Knowledge Management workflow. The difference between reading and writing-while-reading.
I read through the material at the link that @ctietze provided. Just wondered if you (@Massimo_Curatella) had looked at Zettlr and if so, what opinions you had on it. It seems to work with plain Jane text files and would be an alternative to The Archive. I prefer the latter but the former does have some interesting features.
Hi @GeoEng51 , I love open-source software as Zettlr, which I used, briefly. The limitations I see in Zettlr right now are: no automated backlinks (thing I was looking for since I started to play with ZK) and, lesser but still useful, no embedded graph visualization of your notes. I would love to switch to Zettlr as soon as it will get these features.