The Archive: Catalina Crash Testing - v1.4.3
Hey folks,
A very helpful user reported that macOS Catalina would regularly crash The Archive when closing the window.
I caught and fixed one of the bugs that produced this crash and released v1.4.3 on the Cutting Edge channel today. Could y'all please have a look if you can (a) make The Archive crash on Catalina now, and (b) see if the new version fixes the problem?
Since I also changed the Omnibar a bit, v1.4.2 remains the stable version for download on the website for now.
Thanks for the help!
And if you run into any Omnibar-related issues, please post here, too, so I can fix this up for the public release.
-- Christian
Edit: Here's the direct download link:
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Howdy, Stranger!
Thank you! I have crashed it a few times on Catalina as well, mostly when closing windows (and occasionally tabs as well, I think). I don't have the "cutting edge" version, but look forward to the fix. (It didn't crash as often as to be annoying.) I have had the crash reports sent to apple and not sure how to retrieve them.
@zvt This time, the crash logs are not particularly useful, so don't worry
I attached a link to the first post here in case you want to test out the new version next to the current one to see if it crashes. Would be much appreciated!
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Thanks for the emails, y'all! The crash reports virtually went away overnight with v1.4.5, so that's good
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I've tried to crash 1.4.5, but no success
Thanks for the fix!
This is not omnibar-related, but I've managed to produce an error very reliably on 1.4.5 (edge channel).
Steps to reproduce:
I have a similar issue as described by "orderinthecourts" Just using the back button causes the error after clicking on several notes. I am forced to reboot The Archive to eliminate the problem. I sent the error report to support. I am running 1.4.5 under the latest release of Catalina 10.15.1.
Yeah, working on this one
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