Zettelkasten Forum

the question about how to write a zettel and connect it into the train of thoughts

when reading a striking passage from a book, my brain generates an idea that matches a zettel already in the slip-box. So, at what level of linking do I present the new zettel?

  1. Link at the random "note-to-note" level, and add context about why I'm linking between the two notes

  2. Link at the "train of thoughts" level: I have to spread out the related notes, read through them, and finally write down an idea from the book that matches the cluster of notes.


  • If it matches a zettel already in the slip-box, why would you make a new one? Just add a reference to the book to the zettel already in the slip-box.

  • edited October 2024

    If I understood correctly, I use both, even at the same time when it is useful.

    A thought can directly relate to other siblings, or can be a part of a more general, broad thought.

    I use "structures" (simple bullet lists, in the end) for materialize train of thoughts into my Zettelkasten.
    I can have a direct link to the zettel A into the zettel B, so A is related to B, and/or both A and B links are contained in a zettel or structure note S, so both A and B have a "part-of" relationship with S and have an indirect relationship betwen themselves as elements of S. And their position into S can have a meaning too.

    S helps me to have the "overview" of the train of thought, while links like A<-->B help me to explore the space following direct relationships between some component notes.

    I can see that there is a relationship between A and B
    1) seeing if A contains a link to B or B contains a link to A (for example A "contradicts" B )
    2) seeing that A and B belong both to S (A and B both "help to describe" S)
    3) seeing if A and B are "very close", especially if they are siblings or parent-child, in the same branch, into S (A and B are "close" together in the context of S)

    I may need all three (direct relationship, cluster membership, proximity relationship into a context), so it is useful to consider all of three options.

    2 and 3 seems the same but they are not. Positions of A and B into S can be relevant. This is why I don't like tagging and automatic backlinking, they create "flat" and unordered clusters.

    Post edited by andang76 on
  • edited October 2024


  • @georgeraraujo said:
    If it matches a zettel already in the slip-box, why would you make a new one? Just add a reference to the book to the zettel already in the slip-box.

    Because i am obeying on A6-note rule.

  • edited October 2024

    @andang76 said:

    I use "structures" (simple bullet lists, in the end) for materialize train of thoughts into my Zettelkasten.

    The structure-note (S) you mentioned is quite similar to an entry-point of Ahrens or an atomic-note that Christian mentioned. It means that the overview of the train of thought will be in the S note, you will look through the S note, then you put a new idea into your train of thought. Right?

    I understand the situations that you talked below in your comment, because in the book How to take smart notes has been mentioned those situations many times.

    I feel confused about the above 2 connection methods, because I see that users of zettelkasten analog cannot edit their entrypoint, they have to read through the related notes in a cluster in ID order before allowing a new idea to appear in their cluster. But I forgot that I can use (S/Atomic/Entrypoint) to summarize the train of thought. And I can edit the contents of S as the cluster grows over time.

  • @andang76 said:

    Thank you, Đặng

  • @cong_quack said:

    Because i am obeying on A6-note rule.

    What does that rule state, and in what way does adding a reference to the footer of the existing zettel violate it?

  • I don't have any experience with an analog ZK.
    You are right, a structure note is where a 'trains of thought' (ToT) are developed. It can be used as an entry point. But you are confusing atomic notes with ToT. They are make of atomic notes. Sometimes in a bulleted list, and sometimes, they are annotated.

    I've included a screenshot of an annotated structure note comprising atomic notes and my developing ToT.

    I hope this helps.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited October 2024

    What does that rule state, and in what way does adding a reference to the footer of the existing zettel violate it?

    Did you see Luhmann's notes? What is its size?

  • edited October 2024

    Dear @Will, I read this article, I thought it was an atomic note.

    Post edited by cong_quack on
  • @cong_quack said:

    Did you see Luhmann notes? What is its size?

    You ask for feedback, then drop attitude? I'm disengaging from your thread. Have a nice day.

  • edited October 2024

    You ask for feedback, then drop attitude? I'm disengaging from your thread. Have a nice day.

    [ctietze: expletives removed]

  • If you feel uncomfortable, don't teach others with a uncomfortable attitude. Thanks @georgeraraujo

  • Check out these three exciting threads from recent thermonuclear discussions about atomicity among ZK experts—definitely worth your time!

    Upgrade Atomic Thinking to Holistic Thinking • Zettelkasten Method
    One note = one object of attention — Zettelkasten Forum
    Specific query about creating a useful note — Zettelkasten Forum

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • edited October 2024

    I banned cong_quak for the expletives we don't welcome here, and am closing this discussion because it's of no further value.

    Thanks everyone else for staying calm.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

This discussion has been closed.