Forum image upload: new size limits
It's great that you can ⌘V paste images into your posts and share screenshots with the community to talk about graphs and screenshots with everyone.
But we noticed that over the years, large and badly compressed images take up a ton of space on our hosting provider
So today (2024-07-01) we're introducing a size upload limit of 2000x2000 pixels, where larger images will be downscaled.
That should fit a whole screen's worth of a non-retina screenshot -- and retina ones should compress without much loss for the viewer, so every picture should look crisp enough for sharing/consumption here while not inflating our bills.
If you just wanted to start a hi-res photo blog on our forums this month, please sign up to Flickr
your friendly forum administration
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Howdy, Stranger!
Haha! Good one. Your size limit is quite reasonable.
I'm the culprit. Sorry. I will be more careful. 😔
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
@Will Well I sure hope not: we have 3641 uploads, so you'd have to have fake accounts posting images left an right all day to get to that amount on your own
(Seriously, though, don't worry, it's a problem of scale; though you may have to share very long notes as gists or pastebin entries or text in the post, maybe, because of the 2000px vertical limit 🤔)
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