Zettelkasten Forum

Share your ZK plans for 1 MAY - 7 May? NEW FORMAT!

This sure is a lonely affair.
Make a claim about what you 'intend' to do this week.
Shows anything! Or don't. Are you chicken?

This Week

  • Final week of classes!
  • My inbox has 12 zettel, and I want to clean-house. It means factoring and refactoring the ideas or abandoning them.
  • Coding work on ⌃⌥⇧⌘W Writing Tools
  • First field mowing of the year


A nugget from a zettel I created yesterday.
Eufriction is Good Friction 202204301205

You want process friction when it helps and not when it hinders the nut of a process. We would not want to live in a "friction-free world." When introducing a new note to our ZK, a little friction to slow us down, to help us reflect more deeply is a good thing.

Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • edited May 2022

    Hi @Will, you change the format ? What was your motivations ? What do you expect from us ? :)

    Last Week

    I promised me to rest, but I went full work-berserk after one night or two of sleep, so I have many news zettels. I did'nt not finish the whole refactoring of my ZK, but it takes a direction where I feel more at ease  ! Yay ! \o/

    This week

    MiniBear will travel with his whole school next week, I have to prepare everything for him. I'm sure I will forget some things and other and my partner will be "OMG you forgot something ! Oh noooooo" like everytimes and everything will end up with some absurd scene like always. I take some advance and start laughing right away. And make a list. Security first ! It will help to prevent the worried daddy to put everything in the wallet and the full of enthousiasm little bear too.

    Goal for this week ? Finish the Act 2 of my novel and begin the third !

    Trivia :

    (traduced from my zettel "16.210605143211.Animal.Costasiella kuroshimae"
    Do you know the Costasiella kuroshimae  ?

    It's the one of the few animals to practice photosynthesis ! It accomplished that thanks to the seaweeds it eats, it takes their chloroplastes to create energy. 
    What we see is its gills. It measures less that 5mm and live in Pacific, Japan. 

  • This week

    Finish combing through the paper "Umwelt" by John Deely (2001), perhaps also reading his book pointed to by this paper: Basics of Semiotics (1990). Write ~10 detailed Zettels triggered by this.

  • This Week

    I'm finishing up work on another multi-person, collaborative ZK, created for a work project. It involved 7 other people, working in both Zettlr and The Archive. The two apps have slightly different search and link methods, so we had to standardize on a particular zettel format to get all zettels to work in both apps.

    I'm finding this collaborative approach to creating a ZK quite useful in collecting, collating and evaluating information.

    I'll mention that we started with a fairly complex mind map to lay out the work we were going to do, which everyone used to guide them in their individual assignments.


    NotePlan continues to evolve and is now highly functional. It has active Discord discussion groups, if you want to understand capabilities or report bugs. It is also quite capable as a place to store your ZK, although I still prefer The Archive. I don't mean to overly promote this software - I'm not associated with it in any way, but I am a very happy user. It is part of the SetApp universe, if you happen to subscribe to that, and thus available at a very reasonable price.

  • @Loni said:

    Lovely photograph (?). I thought at first it was your whimsical creation.

  • Working on a math paper about a curiously overlooked computation that now has connections with a large body of mathematical theory...

    GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego: Erel Dogg (not the first). CC BY-SA 4.0.

  • @Loni said:
    Hi @Will, you changed the format ? What were your motivations ? What do you expect from us ?

    Hi, @Loni,

    A weekly thread of this nature has been posted most weeks for two years now. We used to take turns initiating the thread. Some weeks it is lively, and other weeks like a mortuary. This was not my idea. It was @henrikenggaard's. I was able to get a link to the original post. What are you working on this week? (2020-06-08 to 2020-06-14)

    There is no format. Do what you want. Just tell us something about what you are working on. You can use the post as a social commitment or just as a way to double-check what you think you were planning on doing with your ZK during the week. It is up to you. I'm a bit more formal than some, but please don't follow my example.

    My motivations are to shake the trees for newbies by hopefully making it "friction-free" to play, start exciting conversations, and help each other.

    I don't expect anything from others. I want you to be happy and free from suffering.


    Do you know the Costasiella kuroshimae?

    Not until now.

    Do you know the Tardigrade (water bears or moss piglets)?
    The Tardigrade is a little smaller than C. kuroshimae. Tardigrade grow to 0.5 mm long.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @amahabal said:

    This week

    Finish combing through the paper "Umwelt" by John Deely (2001), perhaps also reading his book pointed to by this paper: Basics of Semiotics (1990). Write ~10 detailed Zettels triggered by this.

    I took a look at Deely's paper, and it is a bit too thick for me with its "postlinguistic structures," "symbolic communication," and "prelinguistic object domains."

    Umwelt is nonetheless a intreging idea. I got formally introduced to Uexküll and Sebeok's notion of umwelt, in the sense of a way to look at the uniqueness of a literary character's world model. It came up in the discussion in ENGL473, a survey of the literature on the Pacific Northwest. We discussed "Sometimes a great notion" by Ken Kesey and "Sense of Place" by Wendell Berry. My curiosity lead me to Edmund Husserl and his notion of "Lebenswelt." Philosophically exciting but probably not too attractive to the fields of AI, neuroscience, or robotics.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @GeoEng51 said:

    @Loni said:

    Lovely photograph (?). I thought at first it was your whimsical creation.

    I would like too ! After some reasearches, the photographer is Alex Permiakov and he used a macro phographie technic.


    Those green sheeps are awesome, and I will definitely create something thanks to them :) But my weekly drawing is much more modest for today :

    @Will said
    Do you know the Tardigrade (water bears or moss piglets)?

    The Tardigrade is a little smaller than C. kuroshimae. Tardigrade grow to 0.5 mm long.

    Yeeeah ! I love this small guys a lot, they are like superheros from wildlife, they resist to incredible situations like being frozen for years.

    There is no format. Do what you want. Just tell us something about what you are working on. You can use the post as a social commitment or just as a way to double-check what you think you were planning on doing with your ZK during the week. It is up to you. I'm a bit more formal than some, but please don't follow my example.

    Understood ! As I see a changing, I was wondering if there is a "why" behind the "how" :)

    My motivations are to shake the trees for newbies by hopefully making it "friction-free" to play, start exciting conversations, and help each other.

    Understood(bis) ! :)

    I don't expect anything from others. I want you to be happy and free from suffering.

    Thank you =^^=

    @amahabal said:
    Finish combing through the paper "Umwelt" by John Deely (2001), perhaps also reading his book pointed to by this paper: Basics of Semiotics (1990). Write ~10 detailed Zettels triggered by this.

    Would you have readings recommandations for initiation to semiotics ? :) I tried a book that seems far too obscur to me in an university's librairy some years ago, I surely did'nt pick the best one to begin with ! ^^

  • @Loni

    Ah, I see that you're starting a checklist. ✧/ᐠ-ꞈ-ᐟ\ I always create one when I furr-get something for a reoccurring event or knyeow that I'll forget stuff. There's nyeowthing meowre pawful than furr-getting to nyeowt furr-get. /ᐠﹷ ‸ ﹷ ᐟ\ Anyathing meow furr-get for this event will be an opporunity to nyeowt furr-get it later on, so always use them! And tell MiniBear to enjoy the trip! /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ✿\

    Regarding semiotics, have you thought of checking the references section of Wikipedia's articles? When I dive into a nyeow topic, I almost always look there. A search for "Introduction", "Beginner", "Dummy", "For Kids", or "Cartoon" often returns friendly material. This is how I found an introduction to statistics that used cartoons. It didn't contain anyathing relevant, but it was a fun ride.

    Last Week

    • Refactored a couple of Zettels that needed some polishing.
    • Finished reading What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles.
    • After seeing that I don't have enough time for reading due to Zettelkasten organyazation, I decided to put it aside for a while.
    • Made the video I promised to Loni.
    • Failed to process my Fleeting Nyeowtes or my reading nyeowtes on transition.
    • Prepared a form for the legal nyame change.

    This Week

    • Process Fleeting Nyeowtes.
    • Begin processing What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles.
    • Send the nyame change form.

    Zettels Modified Last Week

    • 202202031612 The Barbell Method of Learning
    • 202203031504 Annabella
    • 202110090736 Stew
    • 202202031608 Shallow processing definition
    • 202202011651 Deep processing definition
    • 202111201513 Processing definition
    • 202108240941 Process deeply
    • 202106251002 Zettelkasten
    • 202110090921 Turn reading notes into Zettels wisely
    • 202110111240 Organizational tags
    • 202201280850 Relevancy - Definition
    • 202204080954 Keep realistic expectations
    • 202111180823 Connection
    • 202111171511 Insight
    • 202111161433 Debug error
    • 202111161321 Gap
    • 202111131416 Deep intuition
    • 202109100817 Inneffective approaches to get coverage
    • 202109091646 Making connections is important when learning
    • 202109091645 Debugging errors is important when learning
    • 202109071036 Methods to gain deep intuition about an idea
    • 202109071013 Method of visualization
    • 202109071009 Analogy method
    • 202109071005 You can develop deep intuition with the Feynman Technique
    • 202107140859 The Feynman Technique
    • 202106280905 Insights don't have to be unique or original
    • 202106280857 Simplification
    • 202106271041 The Drilldown Method
    • 202106270930 Learning faster is possible
    • 202109060932 How to make proper marks in sources
    • 202109030901 How to deal with difficult learning material
    • 202201261430 Zettels should be about Scyketh
    • 202201141446 Deliberation
    • 202202181158 Deliberation drains your attention
    • 202111271137 Attention
    • 202202230842 The Black Swan of my identity
    • 202201301554 The Barbell Method of Investing
    • 202112231546 Science as a method to gain reliable knowledge about the universe
    • 202201301428 Black Swan
    • 202202011019 Invest definition
    • 202202241151 Gender expression
    • 202111271314 Definition
    • 202110080728 Buffer Note
    • 202110220955 Quarantined backlog and buffer note - Analogy
    • 202111140831 Leave breadcrumbs to pick up Zettelkasten work
    • 202110190915 How to get unstuck from a backlog
    • 202110211246 Quarantine the backlog
    • 202105311027 How to write texts effortlestly with a Zettelkasten
    • 202112111543 Empirical evidence
    • 202201081036 Evidence
    • 202112011456 Fact
    • 202112011510 Model and fact difference
    • 202111261512 Model
    • 202204091330 Obsidian
    • 202202161119 Gender
  • @Will said:
    I took a look at Deely's paper, and it is a bit too thick for me with its "postlinguistic structures," "symbolic communication," and "prelinguistic object domains."

    Yeah, I am a bit disappointed too. In some ways it made the waters murkier for me. My previous exposure to this concept was in Daniel Dennett's "From Bacteria to Bach and Back", where he uses the term as the individual -specific ontology of each organism and each, er, elevator.

    I'd like to find a nice paper with less cryptic language and a clean elucidation of what Umwelt means and what Innenwelt is, and shows how different authors use these terms, because they are all over the place. Dennett's use seems closer to that of an Innenwelt... Oh well. I will yet get down to the bottom of this.

    Umwelt is nonetheless a intreging idea. I got formally introduced to Uexküll and Sebeok's notion of umwelt, in the sense of a way to look at the uniqueness of a literary character's world model. It came up in the discussion in ENGL473, a survey of the literature on the Pacific Northwest. We discussed "Sometimes a great notion" by Ken Kesey and "Sense of Place" by Wendell Berry. My curiosity lead me to Edmund Husserl and his notion of "Lebenswelt." Philosophically exciting but probably not too attractive to the fields of AI, neuroscience, or robotics.

    My main interest these days (in the limited time I get from $work and kids) is trying to get a good grasp on "intuition"---how concepts are awakened, including remindings. How is it that we see a math problem and suddenly know that it is mathematical induction we should try. To that end, I am reading up on related domains, such as Semiotics (what signs point to "use mathematical induction?") but also a bit of Hermeneutics (how we read text and interpret; I mean the term not in the sense of Biblical Hermeneutics but wider). Phenomenology (and thus Husserl but also Heidegger) is also mixed in there, as are notions such as self-justification which prevent us from seeing something staring us in the eye. A rabbit-hole for sure, but one that goes through some gold mines, and maybe I will come out (metaphorically) richer.

    @Loni, I am in too early a stage to recommend. Looking for a good intro myself. If I find one I enjoy, I will let you know.

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