Zettelkasten Forum

how to connect notes?

I am taking this opportunity to thank you @sfast and @ctietze for this excellent article about 3 layers of evidence.

i opted to default for a single note for all layers, then split it on-demand. Before the split i have a single ID, after that i have multiple. Now, when i create a new reference i want to prevent myself referring to a pattern instead of a synthesis.

How do i create a filter for that for things like auto completion? Auto completion shows a pop up as you type, allowing you to select a reference link instead of manually type out the entire link.

my first Zettel uid: 202008120915


  • I noticed that it is in practice not easy to sort them into these layers. This is mostly because i do not religiously stick to the rules, for time saving reasons.

    • Frequently, i have no interest in fact-checking some information i received. One mans synthesis is another mans pattern.
    • Sometimes the synthesis of others is the only thing i need, i don't want to formulate an interpretation and matching patterns. (this is basically a pattern, since there is no proof, but i am using it as synthesis anyways)
    • Sometimes, there is a benefit in making the evidence more explicit, sometimes there is not. By this i mean that i start with an implicit pattern which i then separate in an interpretation and more explicit pattern.

    This means that in a Zettelkasten a pattern is not always a pattern, and an interpretation not always an interpretation. It depends on the context provided through all layers, and the resolution applied on it.

    my first Zettel uid: 202008120915

  • @zk_1000 said:
    I am taking this opportunity to thank you @Sascha and @ctietze for this excellent article about 3 layers of evidence.

    Agreed, this is a great article describing a practice worth developing.

    i opted to default for a single note for all layers, then split it on-demand. Before the split i have a single ID, after that i have multiple. Now, when i create a new reference i want to prevent myself referring to a pattern instead of a synthesis.

    I think I get your scenario. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. For example, you read a health and fitness book, processing all your ideas in a single note. As time allows, you process the note along these lines.
    1. Data description and patterns.
    2. Interpretation of descriptions and patterns.
    3. Synthesis of patterns, descriptions, and interpretation. 1

    In the end, you have multiple notes. You'd like to have a way that queues you to use the link to the "synthesis note" rather than the other "layers."

    I can think of a couple of ideas for this.
    1. Prepend the title of the synthesis note with a symbol like ⓢ or §.
    2. Use the tag #synthesis
    3. Treat the synthesis layer note like a type of structure note

    How do i create a filter for that for things like auto completion? Auto completion shows a pop up as you type, allowing you to select a reference link instead of manually type out the entire link.

    How do you insert a link into a note now?

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • My apology for the late reply.

    @Will said:
    I think I get your scenario. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. For example, you read a health and fitness book, processing all your ideas in a single note. As time allows, you process the note along these lines.
    1. Data description and patterns.
    2. Interpretation of descriptions and patterns.
    3. Synthesis of patterns, descriptions, and interpretation. [^1]

    In the end, you have multiple notes. You'd like to have a way that queues you to use the link to the "synthesis note" rather than the other "layers."

    Yes, that's what i am doing. I am iterating through these steps. I started using this layout not long ago and am now seeing a few duplicated pattern in different files, i need to make these notes more atomic.

    I thought about it and decided to simply place a link in a separate note, from the pattern to the interpretation. This is what i already did, but i'll be more careful in which direction i place a link. Using a tag like #synthesis introduces a new type of note, which feels like a step backward. I was tempted to use note signifier before. I find the idea very attractive, because i could use them to sort note titles by pattern, interpretation, synthesis.

    my first Zettel uid: 202008120915

  • @zk_1000 said:
    I was tempted to use note signifier before. I find the idea very attractive, because i could use them to sort note titles by pattern, interpretation, synthesis.

    Yes, but watch out for the trap I've fallen into. I think it is sweet to have an inkling of the content of a note from the note list. I found myself pre-pending a signifier to most notes so that so many of my notes have some pre-pended signifier. I had so many I even had a note that I kept an up-to-date legend of all the various note signifiers. It became such a chore and that I reverted to one or two-letter signifiers, which are easier to remember, and stopped using symbols.

    Here is a list of a few note names, some with pre-pending some without. Just a list of what I've been working with recently. Almost half have signifiers.

    C-ENGL473 March 30, 2021 202103301518
    Advantages and penalties for size 201812111423
    One Hundred Words For Rain 202104071525
    Self in matter 201904271115
    First Sentence Of A Zettel Should Be A Description 202008111637
    Blogging Process 202008120844
    Writing From An Outline 202005040730
    Process And Create New Ideas 202103111214
    G-The Archive 202006240540
    SMART goal setting 202104150737
    A-Take notes for your future self 202008111359
    B-Fundamentals: Ten Keys To Reality 202103210932
    A-Senolytics 201905151707
    A-Productivity Is About Managing Emotions 202103260838
    Word Combinations 202104130844
    T-April 25, 2021 202104250610
    OV-ENGL473 April 8, 2021 202104081603
    Road Kill Fragments 202104100810

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • @Will i would love to understand how you are using prepended signifiers
    I was just looking into how folks were using the §

  • I apply them according the type of source for the note.
    I use them as clues when creating links for new notes. I have enough notes that searches often return dozens of hits. Prepended signifiers helps when looking at a long list of notes to mentally sort which notes are more likely candidates. Signifiers give clues to link density and can give a sense of context before opening the note.

    Maybe if you had a specific question I could help.

    I have to say I'm rethinking some of this. I always evolving my workflow.

    Here are some old threads on this topic.
    Note signifiers
    Titling naming convention trials
    Types of notes

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thx Will my journey here is evolving as i create a structure that works for me.
    Recently i thought id try put the words first in a note filename then the Zettle ID
    How To Take Notes 202105301135
    202105301135 How to Take Notes

    I like the latter of yours
    SMART goal setting 202104150737
    A-Take notes for your future self 202008111359

    I am not quite in flow with using ZK method, be so useful to get some one on ones on zoom to speed up the learning curve

  • @CarlB, "to help speed up the learning curve" @Sascha offers one-on-one coaching. I'm not sure it is done with Zoom. But you could inquire with a DM.

    Will Simpson
    My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

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