Zettelkasten Forum

Roadmap questions/feature requests

Hi, I have a few questions about the roadmap of The Archive:

  1. Are Vim shortcuts (or a subset of) a possibility in the future? Or is this a case for the external editor?
  2. Is there or will there be a keyboard shortcut to open links (both wiki-links and external links)?
  3. What about a shortcut to hide the app? My preferred solution would be to make the global hotkey a toggle:
    • If the app is not visible then it should show the app and select omnibar (already the case).
    • If the app is visible and the omnibar is not selected then select omnibar (already the case).
    • If the app is visible and the omnibar is selected then hide the app (feature request).
  4. Will there be mermaid support? The roadmap talks about diagrams... Does this also mean that a preview feature is planned?
  5. If there ever is a preview, what about Latex?
  6. Will there be an ios app (or is there at least a possibility)? Or should we use 1Writer? What about the diagrams (currently they are not rendered by the stock preview)?
  7. Will there be an autocomplete for notetitles? I know I should search for notes if I want to link to them, but often I already know which not to link to.


    1. Are Vim shortcuts (or a subset of) a possibility in the future? Or is this a case for the external editor?

    We plan to make shortcuts configurable, eventually. But it's not scheduled for a particular version, so please don't hold your breath :)

    1. Is there or will there be a keyboard shortcut to open links (both wiki-links and external links)?


    1. What about a shortcut to hide the app? My preferred solution would be to make the global hotkey a toggle:
      • If the app is not visible then it should show the app and select omnibar (already the case).
      • If the app is visible and the omnibar is not selected then select omnibar (already the case).
      • If the app is visible and the omnibar is selected then hide the app (feature request).

    I think the best option right now is the bring-to-front hotkey. In an upcoming update, it'll toggle showing/hiding the app instead of just showing it.

    1. Will there be mermaid support? The roadmap talks about diagrams... Does this also mean that a preview feature is planned?

    For preview, Marked 2 is your best friend. With regard to diagramming languages like Mermaid or Graphviz, the way to go will be scripts: one that renders an image from each Mermaid code block. That'll be way more fun when image preview in the editor is implemented :)

    1. Will there be an ios app (or is there at least a possibility)? Or should we use 1Writer? What about the diagrams (currently they are not rendered by the stock preview)?

    There are no iOS plans. It's not feasible for me alone to maintain high quality of two such apps at the moment.

    1. Will there be an autocomplete for notetitles? I know I should search for notes if I want to link to them, but often I already know which not to link to.

    Yep, it's planned.

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Thank you. That sounds very promising! I look forward to all the nice features but don't hold my breath.

    Regarding the diagrams:
    Is there a "mermaid in marked for dummies" tutorial? Everything I found looked quite fiddly. Maybe I keep using Typora or VSCode for Preview.

    What will happen to the source code of the diagram once it has been rendered to an image?

  • edited March 2020

    @MasterOfNone said:
    What will happen to the source code of the diagram once it has been rendered to an image?

    Depends on the script, really :) I would write my scripts to keep the original and put the image underneath, so you can re-run the script in a non-destructive way over and over again.

    Emacs org-mode does this very nicely, by the way. That's a huge inspiration.

    The best tutorial I ever wrote about Mermaid is this :)https://zettelkasten.de/posts/nvalt-graph-mermaid-js/

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • Oh sorry, I thought I did reply, but apparently I did not.

    I saw this post a couple of days before I asked here. But at that time, I wasn't looking for a way to enable Marked to display mermaid. It is indeed a good mermaid tutorial! Thank you!

    I am not a fan one %% though. Maybe I'll change that (I use code fences and syntax names, should not be too hard), maybe I just use VSCode with the MarkdownPreviewEnhanced plugin.

  • Implemented shortcuts to open links without the mouse in v1.5.7 (on the Cutting Edge update channel). See the "Edit" menu!

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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