What are your ZK plans for 6 Mar - 13 Mar? What were your success from last week?
2022 Week 10
Last Week
- Wrote a scientist profile using The Archive and Marked2
- Created a Poetry of Zettelkasting video showing how I use The Archive and Marked2 in my writing
- Studied and became more familiar with the writer tools in Marked2
- Read The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel, a graphic autobiography. ★★★★★
- Didn't re-engage with woodworking like I said I would last week. I'm trying again this week.
This Week
- Refactoring
Meditations on Self-Discipline 201901021303
from 90% quotes to 90% my assimilation of the quotes meaning. This book I onboarded at the beginning of my ZK journey. So I've spent about 10 hours over the last couple of weeks on this. It is a rewarding time spent refactoring this series of 30 notes—only a few more to go. "Ferraiolo, William. Meditations on Self-Discipline and Failure: Stoic Exercise for Mental Fitness. O Books, 2017." - Reading and onboarding "Paul, Annie Murphy. The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2021."
- Spring Break, so no JAMM328 assignments
- Re-engage with woodworking. Maybe having a tie-in with my ZK might help motivate me. Thanks, @sfast, for the link to a beautiful ZK cabinet.
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Howdy, Stranger!
Last week
Published 2 posts on my blog
Began reading "Philosophy of Software Design". It's a CreateSpace-published book with almost square pages. That leaves big margins, and allows a large content column to print code. Very nice.
This week
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/