Zettelkasten Forum

Org-roam and other possible org-mode zettelkasten solutions finds

edited February 2020 in Software & Gadgets

It seems that ZK software development is picking up steam and Emacs is no exception, so I am posting this here in case someone isn't already aware of it.
First is Org-roam https://blog.jethro.dev/posts/introducing_org_roam/ https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/ezvfmp/introducing_orgroam/
I've asked the author about performance (due to deft's slowness) and it seems that a better caching system is in the works which should alleviate those problems. https://github.com/l3kn/org-el-cache/
The same person making org-el-cache also has their own ZK implementation inside org-mode https://github.com/l3kn/org-zettelkasten so that seems promising.
And then there is howm: https://howm.osdn.jp/ https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HowmMode


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