One file Zettelkasten
Seeing @sfast 's concept of the one file Zettelkasten in another post, I decided to try it out.
I don't know if he's elaborated on this already, but my hunch is that "if you can do it in a single file, then it means that you (more or less) understand the principles."
Would this be considered a good example of the one-file Zettelkasten?
Anyway, looking forward to the online course!
Seeing that these notes don't have tags makes me wonder:
How crucial is tagging if you do link to notes heavily? Do you think a lack of tags would somehow hinder your knowledge work? I suspect that it's not that crucial, but may be useful for finding unexpected connections — and lastly, that I might be wrong. What are your thoughts?
P.S. Dipping bread into coffee or hot chocolate makes it really delicious
Howdy, Stranger!
Looks good to me so far. A real Zettelkasten would've more direct links between the notes.
I use tags less and less the bigger my Zettelkasten is which is quite natural if you consider that tags become bloated after a while, too. However, you can use them in many different ways and they are, though not crucial, still useful.
I am a Zettler
i like the natural navigation in your Zettelkasten. For bigger topics you scroll up, for more details you scroll down1. In case you want to use tags you could search for
.directions up and down are relative to the document, not the display. ↩︎
my first Zettel uid: 202008120915
Coming from you, that was reassuring
What are some examples of such applications? I can only think of following a trail → using a tag to find indirect relationships (such as what you showed in one of your videos — can't remember exactly)
Oh, that's not my actual Zettelkasten; it's just a test of Sascha's concept that I did for fun. But the placement wasn't intentional — not that the placement matters, anyway.
It could very well be scattered and still work the same way.
Am I the only one doing it old school with index cards and two card boxes?? Ironic perhaps given that I almost exclusively eat, sleep and breathe tech.
@alcantal intentional or not, using Alt+Home to jump to
Main Structure Note
or Luhmann's indexes or something alike is intuitive. Doesn't work anymore if you have multiple main structure first Zettel uid: 202008120915
@alcantal Another use case would be narrowing down the search to the instances a word is used as a concept and not merely mentioned.
I am a Zettler