Jokes aside, sooner or later, notes must be taken. I see note taking as an essential tool for understanding. There's nothing wrong with thinking on paper, instead of trying to avoid it think about the cause of your resistance: is it slowing you down, distracting, etc?
I couldn't follow a talk/presentation with complex thoughts without taking a few notes – so I disagree. I need at least notes about the structure of the lecture and the key points. And writing these things down helps me think about them and ask questions.
Of course it shouldn't stop there – later on I go through the notes and integrate the important thoughts into my Zettelkasten.
As a recovering highlighter and copious (practically transcription-like) note-taker, I approve this guy's message.
When highlighting and real-time note taking became substitutes for my own memory and understanding, I realized just how worthless my note taking process actually was for fueling my own learning. When I highlight most of a book thinking everything is important and worth remembering, nothing is truly remembered. Nothing is easily rediscovered.
I have come to realize that I enjoy taking notes after I have read a section, and my notes become a bit of a dialogue (or talking back at) what I've just read. During talks and presentations, I'm with @Vinho and approach them as real-time fleet notes for further, more thoughtful, permanent ones that reflect my thinking and questions on the topic.
At the end of the day, this seems to be what Peterson is advocating: be present, listen to understand, then process into your own meaning. Sounds a lot like a ZK! :^)
I believe he has a very valid point in reference to reading then closing the book and thinking and writing in your own words. Drawing on prior knowledge to see how it links with the new information. Letting that new information update your prior or even replace it. Make it your own to create your own mental latticework.
@Sascha I saw this a while ago and saved the video.
It is absolutely awesome.
good luck in physics... or biology, or math, or chemistry
plot twist: he's a sport teacher
(I'm kidding)
Jokes aside, sooner or later, notes must be taken. I see note taking as an essential tool for understanding. There's nothing wrong with thinking on paper, instead of trying to avoid it think about the cause of your resistance: is it slowing you down, distracting, etc?
my first Zettel uid: 202008120915
I couldn't follow a talk/presentation with complex thoughts without taking a few notes – so I disagree. I need at least notes about the structure of the lecture and the key points. And writing these things down helps me think about them and ask questions.
Of course it shouldn't stop there – later on I go through the notes and integrate the important thoughts into my Zettelkasten.
As a recovering highlighter and copious (practically transcription-like) note-taker, I approve this guy's message.
When highlighting and real-time note taking became substitutes for my own memory and understanding, I realized just how worthless my note taking process actually was for fueling my own learning. When I highlight most of a book thinking everything is important and worth remembering, nothing is truly remembered. Nothing is easily rediscovered.
I have come to realize that I enjoy taking notes after I have read a section, and my notes become a bit of a dialogue (or talking back at) what I've just read. During talks and presentations, I'm with @Vinho and approach them as real-time fleet notes for further, more thoughtful, permanent ones that reflect my thinking and questions on the topic.
At the end of the day, this seems to be what Peterson is advocating: be present, listen to understand, then process into your own meaning. Sounds a lot like a ZK! :^)
I believe he has a very valid point in reference to reading then closing the book and thinking and writing in your own words. Drawing on prior knowledge to see how it links with the new information. Letting that new information update your prior or even replace it. Make it your own to create your own mental latticework.