Zettelkasten Forum

MenuItem: Edit -> Copy Link to Note

What does the MenuItem: Edit -> Copy Link to Note (Alt-Command-C) do?

Kind regards,
Dick Barends


  • It copies the file name in double square brackets [[...]] so you can paste it someplace else and get a wiki link. (Should be more helpful when the ID is recognized so you get [[202002121900]] A note instead of [[202002121900 A note]].)

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

  • edited February 2020

    When i do: 'cmd-L' then 'Copy Link to Note' (Construct a wiki link to current note, for pasting) and then paste it into some note i get in my test case [[202002121002 Variabelen in Emacs]] and not [[202002121002]] Variabelen in Emacs.

    Who needs to recognize the Id given the set {me, The Archive} :)

    I would prefer to paste only the Id.

    Post edited by dbarends on

    Kind regards,
    Dick Barends

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