Tempted to start all over
I became interested in the zettelkasten method over two years ago after reading Sönke Ahrens' book. I've maintained it with different levels of care since then but recently I've been looking at my notes and wondering if I should just start over.
I see a few problems with my notes:
1) There are too many notes that are not my own ideas, just things I've captured from other places.
2) Collector's fallacy: I think I have simply stored too many things and now I have trouble making any use out of what I have
3) Speaking of making use, I am not really working on this kind of writing these days as I've been doing more creative writing. (I have accumulated a number of notes on the craft of writing in the process)
4) Because I haven't been tending my notes regularly, I find it hard to get back into them; this suggests to me that the notes weren't written well enough to begin with.
All this to say, I am thinking of starting anew. (I wouldn't actually delete any of my existing notes.) I feel like I have too much of a mess on my hands and want to begin with a blank page.
Has anyone else done this? Been tempted to and decided against it? Why or why not?
Howdy, Stranger!
Hi, @djdrysdale.
I have two trains of thought about your question.
Our discussion reminds me of Ira Glass's meme on the gap we experience when trying to be creative.
The Taste Gap: Ira Glass on the Secret of Creative Success, Animated in Living Typography – The Marginalian
Will Simpson
My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
This is absolutely not issue. Then you'll used your Zettelkasten to learn instead of producing new knowledge.
Clean up those notes incrementally. Also not a problem. I think I have hundreds of poorely written notes in my ZK with not issue at all.
Both styles can live happily in the same ZK. I have fragments of my fantasy novel and other stories as well as many notes that are non-fiction. No problem at all.
This might be a symptom of not having created entry points and to less structure. Not so much a symptom of the content of the noes.
It is similar like in life. Sometimes, you think you start over but incrementely you'll clean up your old mess anyhow.
I am a Zettler
As George Clinton sang in Funkadelic in "Free your mind and your ass will follow" :
You feel like your set of notes is a huge big mess. I can relate to that sometimes as well. But is start over is the right question ?
Why did you end up with a mess, at first ? @Sascha emphasize the probably lack of structures notes and entry points. @Will suggests to be more tolerant about your notes and accept that everyting is not perfect. We all have just citations notes, ideas, test and practice in our Zettelkästen. Which is a tool, not an end by itself by the way.
I think you need to find a process, a workflow, a way to work that suits you.
Right now, you can not be clear about the quality of your notes : you are blind because of your "mess" feeling. It makes you underestimate the value of what you allready did, and overestimate the amount of work needed.
When I feel the urge to start over, I tend to follow this feeling, to see where it leads. It is easier to understand main principles and the system you would like to follow with a smaller an neater pack of notes. It is easier to make experimentations too.
When you'll find it, come back to your older notes.
You'll see your older notes with a newer eye. And the path to follow will appears more clearly. You will forget the "mess" feeling, see the work you have in front of you totaly differently.
I'm in the process of organizing my messy Zettelkasten. No Structure Notes. Some poorly written Zettels. Zettels that faded into nothingness because they weren't well-worked on. My plan is this:
The process is made easier thanks to Christian's
script, Obsidian's "Copy search results", and my Zettelkasten workflow.Maybe this knowledge could be of some use to you.