An illustration of the ZK method on YouTube
This [YouTube video] illustrates one way of implementing a digital Zettelkasten with Obsidian. My comments follow.
Note identifiers are avoided altogether in favor of descriptive filenames. This obviates the timestamp versus Folgezettel question. A tradeoff is that note filenames should be unique and should be considered immutable: a title cannot be changed without changing each reference to the note with that title. This seems like a minor inconvenience, in view of the use of backlinks to create indexes and hubs, below. UPDATE: see the thirteen point comment on the video by JET MECH, especially point 9) cautioning against naming notes or prematurely linking them.
Bibliographic entries (literature notes) are separate notes that link to a note titled Bibliography. The choice of writing bibliographic entries within Obsidian (the slip box component of the Zettelkasten) seems less efficient than working with a reference manager such as Zotero. How well Obsidian supports reference managers might have motivated this choice. However, switching from Obsidian (The Archive, Zettlr) to a reference manager is an interruption. A compromise (in Zettlr or Obsidian) would be to add within the note a citation (e.g., an ISBN or DOI reference), which could be added to the reference manager later. The note could then be updated with a pandoc reference.
Within the note titled "Bibliography," the bibliography is viewable in Obsidian (this will work in Zettlr also) as the list of notes that link to the note Bibliography. That's a clever design, and it's a way to implement structure notes and hubs without writing much more that the title in the structure note. An index of top-level categories could be implemented as a collection of links to notes containing the top-level category names. Visiting the top-level category note and listing the notes that link to it will display that part of the index. Obviously this could be extended indefinitely. For mathematicians and computer scientists: that's a coalgebra for you, otherwise known as a (vertex) coloring.
Zettlr supports backlinks by displaying the list of files that link to the current file. However, as in Obsidian, this feature is most useful if the filename is the note title. One way to find out is to experiment.
I might as well reorganize my ZK along these lines.
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego (1st-order): Erel Dogg. Alter egos of Erel Dogg (2nd-order): Distracteur des Zettel, HueLED PacArt Lovecraft. I have no direct control over the 2nd-order alter egos. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Howdy, Stranger!
This reminds me of the way Dan Sheffler is using his Zettelkasten:
But I think his naming scheme is more elegant, because it also deals with the idea of Folgezettel in a really clever way. You can see neighbouring/branching notes at a glance to a certain level. And by limiting the level of branching you limit the Folgezettels to the most relevant ones, which imho can be more effective, than branching of indefinetly.
However, this kind of system can be limiting. As @Sascha pointed out it might only work, if your Zettelkasten serves a very specific purpose; respectively is monothematic. I am experimenting with this approach right now. Maybe I share my findings, if it works out.
Edit by @ctietze 2024-02-17 17:19: Fixed link
# 0.2a3.0.22.0322 Further considerations
CONTEXT [[0.2a2.0.22.0322]] Comments on a YouTube ZK Demo
[[0000.0000.0000.0]] Workflow
#rule-of-threes #workflow #design-choices #zettlr #obsidian
Technical constraints and design choices weigh in favor of the current system of Folgezettel+Timestamp IDs. Some of the IDs can be made shorter: an ID with 14 characters is sufficient not to confuse Zettlr with the ID regex and ID generation patterns I have. The use of dashes in filenames led me to add dashes to hashtags. For example, instead of writing
I now writesimplicial-set
. (Should have thought of that. Now I have to update my tags.) I'm used to Zettlr + Pandoc + MikTeX + LaTeX + Zotero +BetterBibTeX. I already have Pandoc export templates configured for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX in Zettlr, and I have adapted Pandoc's LaTeX template to work with them. And for writing outside of Zettlr, I have WinEDT.I'm not sure about a comparable workflow in Obsidian.
As for eliminating IDs in favor named notes, an alphabetic ordering of notes could be misleading. I prefer viewing sequences of related notes at a glance. One disadvantage of Zettlr's linking system is that it duplicates the entire note title after the WikiLink including the ID. Previously the ID was omitted after the WikiLink. Now it has to be erased. That could be the fault of my ID regex, or it could be a change in Zettlr.
Viewing "Related files" in the right-hand pane in Zettlr is preferable to maintaining an index. Obsidian has a prettier display, but this is minor. Again, I expect the choice of ten top-level categories I settled on to break down (it's already starting to creak), and I look forward to the collapse. This is one place where internal ramification begins...
GitHub. Erdős #2. Problems worthy of attack / prove their worth by hitting back. -- Piet Hein. Alter ego (1st-order): Erel Dogg. Alter egos of Erel Dogg (2nd-order): Distracteur des Zettel, HueLED PacArt Lovecraft. I have no direct control over the 2nd-order alter egos. CC BY-SA 4.0.
Some comments:
I am a Zettler
@Sascha said:
The poor usability (chaos) of Obsidian's default graph view is due mainly, I suspect, to the fact that the node types are not sufficiently visually differentiated and that the automatic layout is not sufficiently adjustable. But as I recently mentioned in another discussion, there is a plugin for Obsidian called Juggl (by Emile van Krieken) that can create more customizable graph views, with features such as a variety of automatic layouts, styling, and workspace mode. And when combined with another plugin called hover editor, one can edit notes from a hovercard that pops up when the cursor is over a node in the graph view. None of this substitutes for a having a good method as a foundation, but customizable automatic graph views are more and more able to provide novel usable visual analytics from the note system.
@Andy The plugins look lit!
I don't think that is the reason. I think that the level of abstraction from the actual knowledge is to high. The foundation of my line of thinking can be found in McGilchrists insanely good book The Master and His Emissary. These are the quotes I am refering to:
I am a Zettler
@Sascha said:
That is a good point. That is part of what I was trying to say, but I didn't emphasize that part clearly enough. One way of reducing the abstraction of the graph is increasing its visual iconicity. That is why "richer" graphic representations (such as rich pictures) can be helpful when recording knowledge. If it would be possible to summarize a note with an image, and then use that image as the node icon in the graph view, that would help the brain process it in a more experiential way instead of a more abstract way. But even using different standard pictorial symbols in the graph for different node types is a step away from abstraction toward experiential thinking. From abstract to experiential this would be ordered as: graph without different symbols → graph with different symbols → graph with rich pictures.
I will start with the naysaying.
From Wikipedia:
However (introducing my positivity):
We (the research field) are running into the issue of building theory with to little application. I think 95% of the notes I see are vastly underdeveloped, sometimes outright useless after a couple of months. My caution is activated by the fact that vast majority of user I aren't producing complete and atomic notes in the first place. I love the enthusiasm of the overall field and really like to geek out. But on the other side, I care for the people who actually want to use the Zettelkasten Method to solve a problem in their lives and I fear that to many people lack the foundation to build on.
The visual interfaces could be very useful but they will dissapoint when the actual foundation the atomic note and the necessary knowledge work is not done.
I am a Zettler