Zettelkasten Method is Highly Effective
You are overwhelmed, because Zettelkasten method is highly effective. But if you learn to do anything useful, knowledge is your intellectual adventure. [1]
Blackout poetry [2] is when you take a written piece of text from a book, newspaper, or magazine and redact words, in order to come up with your very own poetry.
- Blackouts reduce complexities, which brightens the mind.
- Blackouts encourage creativity.
- Blackouts are extremely calming, can act like a meditation.
- Blackout technique can be used within workshops.
- Attention: Blackout is addictive!
[1] Fast, Sascha. “Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method,” October 27, 2020. https://zettelkasten.de/introduction/.
[2] TEDx Talks. Steal Like An Artist: Austin Kleon at TEDxKC, 2012.
Edmund Gröpl
100% organic thinking. Less than 5% AI-generated ideas.
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Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/