Zettelkasten Forum

What are your zettelkasting plans for 28 August - 3 September 2022?

How is this week already September??!!

Right. Well, this week is the first week of school and the first semester of doing my literature reviews for my Ph.D. WOOT!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

So I'm reviewing all the different ways I could organize my reading notes for the purposes of my lit review (thank you, fabulous professor, for sharing these resources!) when I start thinking: hey, couldn't I just do this on individual zettels?

This week's focus, then, is getting my strategy together for how to best leverage the power of my Mighty Zettelkasten in service to a positively smashing lit review.

What are your ZK plans for the week?



  • Almost review now, oops :)

    I've found time in the late evenings to update an ebook of mine that's still relevant for my programmin biz. I'm adding some pieces that were waiting in my ZK.

    Zettel created last week

    Research was focused on the way macOS protects user information and requests privileges, esp. "Full Disk Access".

    • 202208272317 § My product release dates
      Just an overview of when each of my apps/ebooks was released. This was scattered all over the place.

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    • 202208241320 Escalating macOS file access privileges
    • 202208241311 macOS 10.15 Catalina pre-populates Full Disk Access
    • 202208241309 § macOS Full Disk Access privileges
    • 202208220824 List macOS system preference pane names

    Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/

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