Zettelkasten Forum

Share your ZK plans for 29 MAY - 4 June

Connecting ideas along varied and novel paths make them more memorable.

Please share in this thread what ideas you are excited about. Please share what you wish you'd be working on. Use this as a public accountably tool, as a way to start a conversation, and to socialize your understanding.


Week 22 of 2022 Already!

This week, I'll be

Reading and onboarding these two beautiful books. They have reignited my passion for reading.

  • Steve Leveen, founder of Levengers.com, 2005 book The Little Guide to Your Well-Read Life. A short insightful tome with lots of reading recommendations.
  • Quantum physicist and Italian researcher Carlo Rovelli's 2022 book There are Places in the World Where Rules are Less Important than Kindness. This book is filled with surprising touches on the philosophy of science.

I'm going to try and enhance my idea connectivity skills, slowing down my review process and looking at recruiting Keyboard Maestro to help surface meaningful quality connections. I have a pantheon of macro that help in various situations, but I don't feel I'm where I want to be yet with them. This skill-building project is still very much a work in progress. I've had some fantastic successes, which only encourage me more.

I've made tweaks to my review cycle, and we'll see.
Here is how the review cycle is formatted.
4 notes created on 20220528 yesterday.
0 notes created on 20220522 one week ago.
1 notes created on 20220508 three weeks ago.
0 notes created on 20211128 six months ago.
0 notes created on 20210529 one year ago.
0 notes created on 20200529 two years ago.
4 notes created on 20190529 three years ago.
18 new zettel in the last 10 days.
200 new zettel in the last 100 days.
2.12 zettel created on average since day zero.


These are the titles of a few notes I'm excited about.
Show us yours! We are interested in seeing what you are up to!


  • Projects are investments in Areas of Focus 202205260705
  • B-Guide To My Well-Read Life 202205271644
  • B-There Are Places In The World Where Rules Are Less Important Than Kindness 202205281509
  • Optimal Saved Searches Workflow 202205261746
  • Quality of relationships to ideas matter 202205250813
  • Categorical, subjective, and inline tags 202205261556
  • Mastering types of idea connectivity 202205280718
  • Diversifying reading enriches 202205280735
  • Bookography 2012 202205271957

Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.


  • Hi Will,

    my plan for the week is to check out how I can work with either / and / or

    The Archive
    and Obsidian

    to collect and animate my notes distributed over a number of apps.

    Just for the record:

    Neither Zettlr
    nor ZKN3

    will open on my iMac with Sierra (OSX 10.12.6). Bummer!

    Unfortunately it isn‘t as intuitive as I thought to create a template in Editorial. In nvALT I didn‘t understand the how-to yet.

    I wonder if I need to buy TextExpander or Keyboard Maestro just to make a template? That would be twice the price of the app ‚The Archive‘. I‘ve already bought the books plus one about markdown, it‘s more input than harvest for now.

  • @Inky said:
    I wonder if I need to buy TextExpander or Keyboard Maestro just to make a template? That would be twice the price of the app ‚The Archive‘. I‘ve already bought the books plus one about markdown, it‘s more input than harvest for now.

    I'd recommend Keyboard Maestro. Its use extends far beyond "just to make a template." These are trivial investments. Their expense will be forgotten next month, if not sooner. Their value will shine for years.

    Yes, it will be more input than harvest for a while. We need to settle in our software search and work to get to a stage/level where things grow before we can reap some harvest. I think of the wheat farmers in my area, and if they spent all their time studying tractors and plowing equipment, trying out one setup then another, they'd never get to the harvest.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Thank you, your reasoning is convincing. I‘ll look at Keyboard Maestro.

  • edited May 2022

    Over the past month and for (at least) the next month, I have been / will be studying and writing zettels about the following Christ-like attributes: faith, hope, charity/love, virtue, knowledge, patience, humility, diligence and obedience. Looking at these characteristics not as the world defines them, but from the perspective of them being attributes that Christ embodied and demonstrated in his life, has been both eye-opening and challenging. My primary source for information has been scriptures in the New Testament, with secondary sources being commentaries on the life and character of Christ. Connecting these new zettels to existing ones in my ZK has also been enlightening. This is the first time that I have methodically and formally examined my religious beliefs, with the intent of bringing them into my ZK.

    I have a son who is a serious student of Stoicism, which prompted me to do some parallel reading in that area and include in my previous list the cardinal Stoic virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance and justice.

    Some of my other children have different life's philosophies. Writing this post has prompted the idea that I should spend some time with each of them, exploring how they live their lives and why, which should result in further writing in this area of my ZK.

    Post edited by GeoEng51 on
  • This week I am working on a zettel related to My Favorite Memories of various family members. I am looking to include both pictures from my iPAD Photo app and a few images I find online. I am struggling with how to incorporate online images into my IA Writer zettel. It looks like I can either “Take Photo” or “Choose Photo.” If anyone knows of a solution for this, I am all ears.

  • edited May 2022

    @Erich said:
    This week I am working on a zettel related to My Favorite Memories of various family members. I am looking to include both pictures from my iPAD Photo app and a few images I find online. I am struggling with how to incorporate online images into my IA Writer zettel. It looks like I can either “Take Photo” or “Choose Photo.” If anyone knows of a solution for this, I am all ears.

    Hi Erich - I have a similar section in my ZK - capturing a personal history and family memories. I'm not sure about bringing images directly into iA Writer. I use both iA Writer and 1Writer on my iPhone, although typically more the latter for reading and making minor edits to zettels.

    My main creation of zettels occurs in The Archive on a Mac computer, and I include links to images just as recommended by @Sascha and @ctietze . When I open those zettels in 1Writer on my iPhone, any "embedded" images show up just fine. When I open the same zettels in iA Writer on my iPhone, what I see are the text links (whether I am in edit mode or view mode).

    For example, following is a portion of one zettel about my mother, viewed in iA Writer:

    and then viewed in 1Writer:

    Apologies if the quality is not that good on the actual photo. It was taken from some old, faded negatives that I found - almost no definition when looking at them, but after scanning and enhancing with photo software, producing something at least recognizable.

    So, I guess if you use the method of including links to images in your zettels from this forum, when creating a zettel within iA Writer, you should at least be able to view those images with other software like 1Writer or The Archive. I haven't discovered a way of viewing the images from within iA Writer, but it may exist :smile:

  • @GeoEng51

    The information you provided is very helpful. Glad to see how you put one of these zettels together. The picture quality of your image looks great on my end. I just discovered I can copy an image from online by pressing down on the image and selecting the option to “Add to Photos.” To view the images from within IA writer, I have to select the button that looks like a play icon. The image then shows up for me. Not ideal, but it works.

  • Hi Will,

    been reading for a while now and am impressed with the variety of posts.
    Here is my small contribution


    My weekly project is a continuation of a temporary experiment with a small, additional notebox.

    back to the beginning

    • my (big) slip box has become over the decades a swelling collection of logbook pages, calendars, own texts and marked quotes from articles
    • in between " my notes "
    • Date is the only consistently guiding order.
    • Keywords and the trust in full text search (from year around 2000) are the simple framework next to and through a long series of software interfaces.
    • actually more archive like slip box

    small slip box

    Unburdened by the mass of existing material and conventions, I want to test with a small slip box for a limited time (May/June).

    How does it work with signature in the note title and direct Links!?


    • note with prefix ("YYYYMMDDHHmm_Title")
    • only text with internal references/links
    • sources outside only as text, without active linking

    Thematic content this week:

    • Base: records thought forgotten from rediscovered study folders (2007-2008).
    • filtered on favorites
    • what of the old notes and markings still holds today?

    immer am Rand der Sammlerfalle

  • edited May 2022

    @rl911, thanks for uncloaking and joining the conversation.

    It sounds like you have a backlog of notes and maybe you are stumbling trying to figure out a way to include them in your ZK. Also, seeing the total amount of time involved in carrying these old notes into the future can be scary.

    My recommendation is to leave old notes in their old paradigms. Leave the "mass of existing material and conventions" alone and start fresh from here. That old stuff isn't going anywhere. You can still refer to it. But don't spend any time working it into a new ZK.

    I left behind a shameful collection of 11,000 notes in Evernote and about 25 kilos of notebooks when I started. Since I started three years ago, I've found a way to link to the Evernote notes and have linked to maybe 15 into my ZK. Otherwise, my ZK is a current vintage. Don't let old stuff be an anchor that prevents you from sailing freely in the archipelago of zettelkasting.

    Will Simpson
    My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.

  • Hi Will

    "Don't let old stuff be an anchor that prevents you from sailing freely in the archipelago of zettelkasting."

    Thanks for the wonderful picture of sailing through an island world to be discovered.

    I almost lost a lot of data or time with Evernote too.
    Got lucky, was able to rescue my material just before the end via an interface in DevonThink and convert it to Markdown format.
    Was a lesson to me: never outsource personal material to properitarian platforms.

    In retrospect, I had an average move to a new system every 7 years.
    There I was sensitized early for questions of stability of data formats :-)

    The old material is stored in a kind of library with read access. I copy from it when needed without the temptation to adapt anything.

    Methodically new and unusual is the signature with date before the title.
    I had so far only before media data.
    I'm curious to see if this proves itself in the 4 weeks.

    immer am Rand der Sammlerfalle

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