New to Zettelkasten
Hi all! I have just discovered Zettelkasten via Sonke Ahrens's book (How to take smart notes). I have downloaded ZKN3, and have noticed all 'how to' videos on youtube are all in German. Can anyone provide me with any links in English to help me get started?
Many thanks
Howdy, Stranger!
@kiwibrown If you use the search function on the site you will find a number of posts about ZKN3, most of which do not seem very encouraging (lack of documentation seems to be a problem). This thread suggests that there may be problems if your notes archive grows very big: You might find it is a good idea to try out a few alternatives, such as The Archive (if you are on Mac), Obsidian, etc. If you want help with the general method of Zettelkasten, this site is full of material.
Welcome to the forum and to the idea and practice of “Zettelkasting”
I think @MartinBB ’s suggestion to try other software is a good one. One he didn’t mention that works on a wide number of operating systems is Zettlr.
There is a lot of good introductory material (in English) on this site - start with Getting Started; you will find a lot of useful, practical info there.
It is important to try things out as you learn about them. Don’t try to become an expert before you experiment with the system - learn by doing.
Follow the daily posts on the forum. Some of them won’t make sense or won’t be of interest - it’s OK to just skip those. Pay attention to the ones that do make sense and again, try out what is being suggested. Don’t be shy about posting specific questions about what someone has said or about sharing experiences as you work on your Zettelkasten.
There is no “one right way” to create a Zettelkasten. There are a set of tools and some ideas about how to use them. Everyone develops their own approach that suits their workflow and purposes.
Good luck!