[SOLVED] Shortcut to open note in new window?
Is there a shortcut to open a note in a new window?
Right now in order to browse notes so I can decide wether or not to link them to a target note I use command+T to open the target note in a new tab, then drag that tab so that it becomes its own window. This was I can have one window to browse through the note archive, while the other window displays the target note I'm trying to add links to.
Is there a better way to do this?
Post edited by ctietze on
Howdy, Stranger!
Check out this prior discussion. I use a Keyboard Maestro macro for this, but Alfred might also work, or maybe some of the Windowing Mangers @ctietze talks about in this discussion.
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
Thanks!! Very helpful
I know I'm being blind here, but I am not seeing how to open two windows in the discussion @Will linked to. I am on 1.5.9
You can apparently use the app Keyboard Maestro to do it (an app I haven't yet purchased)
I've also found that you can use Command + T to open window in a new tab, then I've set a custom keyboard shortcut through System Preference / Keyboard / Shortcuts so that the menu item Open Tab in New Window is assigned Command + Shift + T.
That was if I want a second window I can quickly press Command +T then Command + Shift + T (typing it out makes it look more annoying then it is).
Alternatively right clicking and opening in an external editor (for me TextEdit) isn't too bad when all I'm doing is adding links.
I followed what you described above and found, as you said, that it is quite workable. I also noted that once you have defined the keystroke combination under System Preferences, the Command+Shift+T shortcut shows up in The Archive drop-down menu (under "Window", after "Move Tab to New Window"), so you have a means of reminding yourself of that shortcut.
Now wouldn't it be nice if Command+Shift+T just took you directly to a new window!
That would be great!
At the risk of getting off topic, I've also added the shortcuts
It's quite satisfying to hide and show them both independently, easily and rapidly.
Thanks for the guidance. Because I do not have Keyboard Maestro (yet!) and I do have Better Touch Tool, I created a shortcut specific to The Archive that works. The shortcut mimics the steps @Jon outlined, triggered by hyperkey-T
Here's a screenshot:
Very simple, but it works.
With Better Touch Tool or Keyboard Maestro or plain AppleScript, you can execute an AppleScript action that executes the "Move Tab to New Window" menu item for you. That should be less fragile than mouse clicks at absolute screen positions.
The script:
If you test this in Script Editor.app, you might need to grant "assistive access" when you get an error that the editor doesn't have that; do it in system prefs here:
In BTT, that looks like this:
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Oh that's excellent and, as you say, much more robust. Didn't even occur to me to look at The Archive's Applescript dictionary.
Thank you.
@Jeremy, have you found a place " to look at The Archive's Applescript dictionary?"
I don't find The Archive listed in the Script Editor -> File -> Open Dictionary...
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
I resorted to stuff that works in all applications (the event handler to navigate the global menu bar here is System Events and not The Archive itself, I think) because The Archive doesn't yet publish an AppleScript dictionary. These changes are still in the loop for updates pertaining scriptability in the upcoming months.
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
@ctietze, thanks for the clarification. We look forward to The Archive's scriptability but know there are other priorities.
Will Simpson
My zettelkasten is for my ideas, not the ideas of others. I will try to remember this. I must keep doing my best even though I'm a failure. My peak cognition is behind me. One day soon, I will read my last book, write my last note, eat my last meal, and kiss my sweetie for the last time.
No, because I had not looked, not because I did not realise that there wasn't one.
With v1.6.2 (on the 'cutting edge' channel since today), Command-Clicking and Command-Shift-Clicking a link will open it in a new tab and window, resp.
Author at Zettelkasten.de • https://christiantietze.de/
Thanks, Christian!!