Unifying tagging and linking
Hello, I'm the developer of neuron, and I'm interested in your feedback on a syntax proposal unifying the notion of tagging and linking. Background: In neuron you can link to another zettel [[like this]], and tag a zettel #likeThis. But is tagging really distinct from linking? The following proposals seek to unify them. *… -
Re: Making connections towards the beginning
Here is what I came up with in a new note: # 202203291414 Quick Feedback as a Crucial Component of Both Individual and Organizational Learning for Improvement#feedback #learning #deliberate-practiceWhen learning about the highest performing individuals or organizations, there is a consistent pattern of needing quick… -
Re: Linking many notes | Hierarchy in index cards/hubs | Islands of knowledge
Hi @Gbrouwer and welcome to the forumIt is something to be aware of. Especially, when one is taken notes in an area, which is different from what one usually does. I think the solution to this is part technology, part method. Full text search is pretty common in Zettelkasten-like software and I think many find…
Re: Rene's SublimeText for Zettelkasten - Package, Talk and more
I guessed her problem was that she used # within the titles # like ###this### @Julia ? The plugin never returns titles as tags already, not even if there is no space between # and rest at the beginning of a line: #like this So from that I concluded she has some "more sophisticated" # use in her titles... -
Re: Making connections towards the beginning
Thanks for your response! Let me go ahead and add the two notes below, and I think it might help to see. Note 1 # 202203281339 Ericsson's Classification of Differentiated Practice#deliberate-practiceThere are three types of practice that Anders Ericsson proposes:- Naive Practice- Purposeful Practice- Deliberate… -
Re: If you're not using date-based IDs, you're doing it wrong
This is an interesting angle, thanks for sharing the post! Your actual point seems to be date-time based IDs are a must and keywords in the file name are a very good idea. What about a human-readable title? Optional? Leave out? Why 10 characters? 202012301110 is 12 chars long, not 10; are you using a truncated timestamp?…