Re: Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. October 19, 2023
Notes for a new GitHub repository: Opérations Tensorielles Simpliciales Répertoire pour l'exploration des opérations simpliciales sur les matrices et les hypermatrices. Formalités Mathématiques Ce projet se concentre sur les opérations simpliciales sur les matrices et hypermatrices, en particulier les opérations de face… -
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
20211030133016 Folgezettel Formalized F Lengyel #folgezettel #niklasluhmann #combinatorics #poset Introduction A formalization and generalization is given of the system of Zettel identifiers, sometimes called Folgezettel, developed by the sociologist Niklas Luhmann. Folgezettel IDs are spanning tree coordinates for the… -
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
20211021195316 Folgezettel Formalized F Lengyel #folgezettel #niklasluhmann #combinatorics #poset Introduction A formalization and generalization is given of the system of Zettel identifiers (IDs) developed by the sociologist Niklas Luhmann. Luhmann's system of IDs, sometimes called Folgezttel, enabled Luhmann to maintain… -
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
20211016193154 Folgezettel Formalized F Lengyel #folgezettel #niklasluhmann #combinatorics #poset Draft only: not for distribution Just kidding笑 (although it is a draft). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Acknowledgments. Thanks to @ctietze, @Sascha and…
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
20211006000400 Formalization and Generalization of Niklas Luhmann's Folgezettel IDs 2 F Lengyel #folgezettel #niklasluhmann #combinatorics #poset NOTE: Continuation of 20211004235454 Formalization and Generalization of Niklas Luhmann's Folgezettel IDs 1. Because the preview feature doesn't render MathJax, I'm going to stop… -
Re: Mathematical definition of Folgezettel
20211004235454 Formalization and Generalization of Niklas Luhmann's Folgezettel IDs 1 F Lengyel #folgezettel #niklasluhmann #combinatorics #poset The sociologist Niklas Luhman assigned identifiers (IDs) to Zettels within his Zettelkasten to maintain, within the linear ordering of the Zettelkasten, a tree structure that…