Re: Title length sweet spot
I, too, write my titles with an eye towards search. Note titling is an art form, and, as alluded to by @FernandoNobel, it is a way to investigate and interrogate an idea. Here are two examples of my titling. Currently, I put the UUID at the end of the title so more of the title is available in the note list. I don't know… -
Re: Teach me something new...
I'm such a sucker for glimpses into the working lives of others. But I have to say, I would be most interested in seeing notes on topics other than those typically covered on the forum---especially the subjects of note-taking and Zettelkasten method. To that end, here's one from my dissertation project: # [[202003201636]]… -
Re: Techniques for tag heirarchies?
Then again, Flickr used key--value-combo tags like #country:USA for a while in the beginning. Camel-cased tags are not a good fit if you want to use stuff like this for technical processing -- which, frankly, is the only useful application of these kind of tags. I used tag hierarchies for my earliest bookmarks.…