Share with us what is happening in your ZK this week. August 21, 2024
This week's ZK report Swimming with Ideas This is yet another opportunity to share what you are working on with your friends here on the forum. Add to this discussion by telling us about your zettelkasten journey. Share with us what you're learning. Sharing helps us clarify our goals and visualize our thinking. And… -
Re: Meta-tags for categories of Zettel (e.g. in zetteldeft)
I prepend a letter abreviating the type. I've gotten a bit carried away with this. Here is the legend. Projects PRO = Project Structure note (⌃⌘8) Books, etc B = Books A = Journal/Magazine/Web/Youtube Articles (this could be broken down more?) Writing Projects BO = "Being Ordinary" Lojong Interest Hubs G = Garden level 1 S… -
Re: Linking many notes | Hierarchy in index cards/hubs | Islands of knowledge
Hi @Gbrouwer and welcome to the forumIt is something to be aware of. Especially, when one is taken notes in an area, which is different from what one usually does. I think the solution to this is part technology, part method. Full text search is pretty common in Zettelkasten-like software and I think many find…
Re: Using @tag instead of #tag?
@Tom Thanks! While we talk about your request, can you start pestering your editor developers to consider adhering to the stricter CommonMark specs that say that a space character is needed after the # to denote a heading? The rendition of The Archive is, in that regard, more accurate. But it's hard to say what accurate… -
Re: Rene's SublimeText for Zettelkasten - Package, Talk and more
I guessed her problem was that she used # within the titles # like ###this### @Julia ? The plugin never returns titles as tags already, not even if there is no space between # and rest at the beginning of a line: #like this So from that I concluded she has some "more sophisticated" # use in her titles... -
Re: Rene's SublimeText for Zettelkasten - Package, Talk and more
Not sure if anyone else but myself might find this useful, but the TOCs have arrived:Automatic Table Of Contents Some notes can get quite long, especially when turning overview notes into growing documents. At some stage it might make sense to introduce a table of contents into the text. This can be useful when…