Saint Augustine instructs Francesco Petrarch on the ZKM
Critique my zettel. This one is an atomized idea from my reading of _Manguel, Alberto. A history of reading. 2014. _ It is longish at 436 words and includes AI help with translation, a Wikipedia link, the relevant quote, and my assimilation into my ZK. With your help, it can be improved. The content of this note might be… -
[Zettel Feedback] Creating Zettels
This is one of my most developed Zettels, so no better candidate for a teardown from the seasoned players hereDate: 2022-11-03 11:47:02 2.6d Create Zettels In this step of the Zettelkasten process, we take our Literature Notes full of contextualized ideas and add them to our Slipbox as de-contextualized ideas. (see…
Re: Folgezettel is More than Mechanism
I wish to apologize to @Sascha and to everyone else for taking an unnecessarily adversarial tone in my previous post. I'm going to answer Sascha's comment below with an example: my own ZK. I think Sascha's comment deserves a constructive example. My answer is in four parts, beginning with a partial listing of my ZK… -
Re: Share with us what ideas you're grappling with in your ZK this week. April 27, 2023
@ctietze Congratulations! All Zettels have the new ID format. Verification of the links follows, though most of them were updated with Absurdian. I now have 466 Zettels. @Will asked to be kept abreast of these developments. @Will, I saw that Zettel on the magic of TK. I read about TK in an article by Cory Doctorow. Next is… -
Re: How "closely" must a slip be linked to the index?
@Will - Thanks for sharing your hub notes; looks like a solid engineering/Stoicism mindset to me.When I refer to "index", I'm referring to a page of entry points into the Zettelkasten according to where I'd like to "plug into the Matrix". These entry points are often what you refer to as Hub notes, but if a subject is…
Re: Folgezettel is More than Mechanism
This is substantially revised update to a portion of a previous comment. Not to belabor the points, I thought I might say something more about how my system works. Cross-cutting categories in Zettelkasten CONTEXT [[0000.0000.00.0]] Workflow [[0000.0000.0000]] TOC #index #folgezettel #zkmethod Niklas… -
Re: What is going on in a Zettelkasten visually
Hi @Dilan_Zelsky sorry for the picture being a little confusing. The problem is that, given my bad English, my writing could be worse. So please forgive me for this. My ZK goes this way: * Software I proudly use: The Archive * All notes go in one folder (ZK in my use case) * All important files relevant to my…
Re: Zettel sharing here on the forum
My turn to give back to the community. Most of my notes are bilingual, so I've chosen one of the few ones that were completely in English. I haven't seen anyone here to discuss Luhmann notemaking productivity in concrete numbers, so below is my note with a quick rundown of it. Niklas Luhmann, Zettelkasten throughput tags:… -
Re: Thinking about metadata
I am in the early days of building zettels in The Archive and don't have anything consistent or standard. For this discussion post, I did this at the bottom of the note. Yeah, I too use Textexpander extensively. Metadata was much more prevalent in my notes during my career. I am questioning its value now. I was hoping to… -
Re: Some Beginner Questions
And to add more to the tag talk. I think the Omnibar is the answer to worrying about tags and there ability to scale, as well as case concerns, and maybe any other ill we think tags might have. Omnibar and Search Keywords there are filter and full-text search. The Omnibar has search expressions you can use to do complex…